LCDBA Quotes

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Los pobres son como los animales

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Los pobres son como los animales

The poor are like animals - Bernarda

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maldito pueblo sin río, pueblo de pozos

Damn Town without a river, town of wells

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Hilo y aguja para las hembras. Látigo y mula para el varón.

A needle and thread for women. A whip and a mule for men.

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Me serves y te Pago. Nada mas.

You serve me and i pay you. Nothing more - Bernada

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Madre, dejeme usted salir

Mother, let me out

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Mi Cuerpo será de quien yo quiera

My body will be for who i want

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Nacer mujer es el mayor castigo

to be born a woman is the worst punishment - Amelia

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Tengo cinco cadenas para vosotras

I have 5 chains for you - Bernada

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Su padre fue gañán

his father was a farmhand - Bernada

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tu no tienes derecho más que a obedecer

You dont have the right to do more than obey - Bernada

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Una hija que desobedece deja de ser hija para convertirse en enemiga

a daughter that disobeys stops being a daughter and becomes an enemy - Bernada

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Bregando como un hombre

Working like a man

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Tus hijas están y viven como metidas en alacenas

Your daughter are and live like they are stuck in cupboards

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la fuerza que tiene un hombre entre mujeres solas

the power of a man amongst women

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en mi no manda nadie más que Pepe

Adela professing her love for Pepe

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"Ella, la hija menor de Bernarda Alba, ha muerto virgen"

"Her, the youngest daughter of Bernarda Alba, has died a virgin" - Bernarda

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no ha de entrar en esta casa el viento

the wind should not enter this house

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Mejor es tener una oveja que no tener nada

It’s better to have a lamb than to have nothing

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