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venerate synonyms
respect, honor, admire, worship, revere
venerate related words
idolize, esteem, extol
sadistic synonyms
brutal, vicious, perversely cruel
sadistic related words
fiendish, perverted
malapropism synonyms
misusage, verbal blunder, spoonerism
malapropism related words
pragmatic synonyms
realistic, sensible, workable, utilitarian
disparage synonyms
degrade, minimize, downgrade, belittle
disparage related words
depreciate, deprecate, decry, denigrate, demean, detract
vegetate synonyms
be idle, be sluggish, stagnate
vegetate related words
languish, rusticate, be inert, be passive
adamant synonyms
firm, rigid, immovable, fixed, unchangeable, obdurate
adamant related words
conjugal synonyms
married, matrimonial, wedded, marital
conjugal related words
nuptial, connubial
abominable synonyms
revolting, horrible, awful, loathsome
abominable related words
abhorrent, detestable, despicable, horrid, repugnant, vile, odious, atrocious, execrable
ominous synonyms
unfavorable, unlucky, sinister, menacing, ill-omened, foreboding
ominous related words
dire, direful, baleful, inauspicious, unpropitious