Building on Play Based Curriculum week 2
The Early Learning for Every Child Today framework, which provides guidelines for early learning and pedagogy in Ontario.
Holistic Curriculum
A curriculum that addresses the development of the whole child, encompassing emotional, social, physical, and cognitive growth.
The ability of a child to manage their behavior, emotions, and attention effectively.
The understanding of how learning takes place and the practices that support this understanding.
Four Foundations for Learning
Belonging, Well-Being, Engagement, and Expression; key principles that guide early childhood education.
Inclusive Learning Environment
An educational setting that embraces diversity and ensures every child has access to learning and participation.
Goals for Children
Targets include self-regulation (behaviour, emotion and attention), identity, social inclusion, health and well-being, language and thinking skills, physical skills and foundational knowledge and concepts needed for literacy and numeracy.
The Kindergarten Program 2016
A curriculum document that outlines the expectations and guidelines for teaching kindergarten in Ontario.
Think, Feel, Act
A document that provides a framework for understanding child development in the early years.
Assessment Methods
Techniques and strategies used by educators to evaluate and document children's learning progress.
Learning Environment
The physical and emotional context in which learning occurs, including the arrangement of space and interactions.
Educators' Role
To facilitate learning by providing guidance, support, and responsive interactions with children.
Relationship-Based Learning
An approach that emphasizes the importance of relationships in the learning process.
Pedagogical Documentation
A method used to make learning visible and to reflect on children's development and learning experiences.
Complex Thinking
The ability to think critically and independently, analyze information, and solve problems.
Communicative Expression
Various ways children express themselves, including verbal, non-verbal, artistic, and physical communication.
Authentic Relationships
Genuine connections between educators, children, and families that foster trust and a sense of belonging.
Third Teacher
The concept of the environment as an active participant in the learning process, shaping children's learning experiences.
Engaged Learner
A child who is involved, active, and curious about their surroundings and experiences.
Reflective Practice
The process of educators critically evaluating their own practices and experiences to improve teaching and learning.
What programs are under the CCEYA
Licensed child care
early On Programs
College of Early childhood education
Child Care and Early Years Act
What program is under the Ontario Education act
“the sum total of experiences, activities and
events which occur within an inclusive
environment designed to foster children’s well-being”
– ELECT pg 86
Modern curriculum for early years
planned curriculum that supports early learning
• understanding of child development
• specific goals for children
• provides structure and direction for educators
• Learning is fundamentally social
• children are learning how to learn
• new understanding is built on existing ideas and concepts
• Basic skills and facts are meaningless without a larger context
Structure and direction for educators
• Clear philosophy
• Learning environment
• Schedule and routines
• Pedagogical strategies
• Assessment methods
view of children
Rich in potential
belonging goals and expectations
Goal for children:
• Every child has a sense of belonging when he or she is connected to others and contributes to their world.
Expectations for Programs:
• Cultivate authentic, caring relationships and connections to create a sense of belonging among and between children, adults, and the world around them.
Well- Being Goals and Expectations
Goal for children:
• Every child is developing a sense of self,
health, and well-being.
Expectations for Programs:
• Nurture children’s healthy development and support their growing sense of self.
Engagement goals and expectations
Goal for children:
• Every child is an active and engaged learner who explores the world with body, mind, and senses.
Expectations for Programs:
• Provide environments and experiences to
engage children in active, creative, and
meaningful exploration, play, and inquiry.
Expression goals and expectations
Goal for children:
• Every child is a capable communicator who
expresses himself or herself in many ways.
Expectations for Programs:
• Foster communication and expression in all forms.
Pedagogical Approaches
• establishing positive, responsive adult-child relationships;
• Providing inclusive learning environments and experiences that encourage exploration, play, and inquiry;
• engaging as co-learners with children, families/caregivers, and others;
• planning and creating environments as a “third teacher”;
• using pedagogical documentation as a means to value, discuss, and make learning visible;
• participating in ongoing reflective practice and collaborative inquiry with others