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The person who is understood to be speaking (or thinking or writing
Dramatic Situation
it answers the questions: What is happening in the poem? Who is speaking to whom? What/Who is the persona or speaker talking about
this could be the equivalent of the plot in fiction but does not necessarily involve a conflict
word choice or vocabulary
class of words that an author decides is appropriate to use in a particular work
can either be denotation/denotative, its literal or dictionary meaning, or connotation/connotative, an idea or feeling that a word invoke.
a word or series of words that refers to any sensory experience (usually sight, although also sound, smell, touch, or taste)
an image is a direct or literal recreation of physical experience andadds immediacy to literary language
any image or thing that stands for something else
in literature, they are often characters, setting, images, or other motifs that stand in for bigger ideas
when used as a literary device, it means to imbue objects with a certain meaning that is different from their original meaning or function
Figures of Speech
any intentional deviation from literal statement or common usage thatemphasizes, clarifies, or embellishes both written and spoken language
rhyme, rhythm, and meter
bbrings attention to both individual letters and words that are drawn together through their sound as well as to the overall feeling or experience
two or more words that contain an identical or similar vowel sound, usually accented, with following consonant sounds (if any) identical aswell
Rhyme Scheme
any recurrent pattern of rhyme within an individual poem or fixed form
usually described by using small letters to represent each end rhyme—a for the first rhyme, b for the second, and so on
the pattern of stresses and pauses in a poem