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Practical issues of studying in a school
Getting headteacher to agree
Time table
Ethical issues of studying in a school
Need a DBS to protect children
Children under 16 are vulnerable group - need parental consent
Duty of care to protect employees and students
Sensitivity of studying racism, sexism, truancy
Theoretical issues of studying in a school
Validity reduced due to teacher in disguise
Teacher sees researcher as Ofsted - changes behaviour
Not representative due to pro school/ m/c students are more likely to participate
Issues that impact the sample
Pro school students more likely to participate, give up breaks to do revision so will to do research
Anti school students less likely to participate, may be absent/truant
Headteachers want to show off good teachers/students
Hawthorne effect
Change in behaviour when they know they’re being observed:
Good behaviour exaggerated (pro school students)
Anti school may act worse of better
Teachers are used to putting on a show when being observed, can hide truths
Issues that stop parents being involved in research
Working long hours, cannot get time off
May have to use public transport
May have had a bad experience of school
Have to look after other children
Reasons parents take part in research
Makes them look like good parents
Benefit their child if they take part
Gain advantage over other parents
Positive experience of education and are used to attend parent evening
Sensitive topics
Material deprivation
Cultural deprivation
Bullying/racism/sexist - upsetting for students, having to look after siblings instead of studying/going to uni can be overwhelming
Can have a psychological impact on students when researching them
Social groups that can always be researched
Truancy/ attendance officer
Places in a school context that are hard to access
Punishment/isolation/behavioural classrooms
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