PEC - Dampier - 2024

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PEC - Dampier - 2024

112 Terms


List the pilot boarding ground for the following vessels: Bulk Carriers, Product Tankers, Dampier Salt Ship (MSWA Pilots)

PBG Bravo

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List the pilot boarding ground for the following vessels: Gas Carriers and condensate ships (Woodside Pilots)

PBG Alpha (helos) & charlie

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List the pilot boarding ground for the following vessels: Product Tankers, Anhydrous Ammonia ships (AMG pilots)

PBG Charlie

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List the pilot boarding ground for the following vessels: General Cargo, other smaller vessels, offshore vessels from north

PBG Delta

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List the pilot boarding ground for the following vessels: Approaching from West from Mermaid Strait

PBG Echo

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List the pilot boarding ground for the following vessels: Rigs under Tow (AMG pilots)

As determined by the Harbour Master

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What are the light / radar characteristics of the following buoys / beacons: Sea Buoy

Yellow, Q(4) 6s 6M Racon M AIS

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What are the light / radar characteristics of the following buoys / beacons: Woodside Channel Beacon

Lateral Spar Bcn Fl.R 3s

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What are the light / radar characteristics of the following buoys / beacons: Woodside Number 4 Buoy

Lateral Spar Bcn Q.R

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What are the light / radar characteristics of the following buoys / beacons: Woodside Number 6 Buoy

Lateral Spar Bcn Fl.R 3s

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When entering harbour, bulk carriers in ballast , generally follow which route?

East of Seabuoy - outside of Hammersley Channel - RT eastern route

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Facilities Channel No.6 - Bcn type & light?

Lateral Spar beacon with Can topmark, Fl.R3s 6M

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When would you expect to see Loaded Bulkies departing from the Iron Ore berths?

At or near High Water

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What is the minimum visibility criteria for shipping movements to continue?

0.5 NM or at the discretion of the Harbour Master

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Which channels in the port have synchronized lights?

Woodside, Pluto, Facilities, Hammersley Deep Water

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There is a set of leads in the vicinity of Pueblo Shoal, which channel are these leads for and what are their light characteristics?

Facilities Channel. Near: F.Bu 13m 4M No.1A / Far: F.Bu 22m 6M No.1B 132/312

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When transiting the Western Small Ship Fairway, should you plan to navigate within the Hammersley Channel?

No. Call Dampier VTS if crossing, cross perpendicular, advise all traffic, follow rule 9 narrow channels

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What are the characteristics of the north and south cardinal marks. Where are they?

North: BY Q. Fl. 5m , 2 triangles up

South: YB Q.(6) L.Fl.(1) 15s 5m , 2 triangles down

They are at Parker Point approach channel

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Prior to entering King Bay channel, who should you call and on what channel?

Call: All Ships VHF 82. Advise entering or departing

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What information is required to be given on VTS when all fast at any berth and on departure from any berth ?

Time of first line on arrival, time of last line of departure

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What additional information must be passed to Dampier VTS on departure from DCW?

Pot water m3, MGO m3, DG classes, PEC

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When approaching from Channel Reef it is necessary to cross the Hammersley Channel. Where is the recommended crossing point?

South of Mid Ground Bcn.

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What is the requirement before crossing Hammersley Channel?

Call and Advise Dampier VTS

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State the current declared depth for: DCW West


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State the current declared depth for: DCW East

7.3m but 5.7m east

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State the current declared depth for: Toll Supply Base - Channel


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State the current declared depth for: KBSB Swing Basin


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State the current declared depth for: DCW East channel


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State the current declared depth for: KBSB Wharf


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State the current declared depth for: BMF


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What is the minimum static UKC requirement for vessels navigating through the harbour channels?

1m or 10% of draft - whichever is the greater

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What is the minimum dynamic UKC for vessels navigating within the port ?


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What are the minimum UKC requirements while alongside at the following berths: KBSB


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What are the minimum UKC requirements while alongside at the following berths: Toll Supply Base


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What are the minimum UKC requirements while alongside at the following berths: DCW


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What are the minimum UKC requirements while alongside at the following berths: HLO


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What are the minimum UKC requirements while alongside at the following berths: FDTS


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What are the hazards to surface navigation that may be encountered when navigating thru mooring buoys?

Mooring line hawsers and floating and unlit mooring buoys, Offtake hoses - partly submerged, unlit vessels…

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What are the light characteristics of the King Bay Channel leads and what top marks? What’s the course line of channel?

Removed outer - channel 095 / 275 T

Front: Q.G. 7m 3M Triangle up

Rear: Iso 4s 10m 4M Triangle down

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Can vessels stay in DP at anchorage?

  1. As applicable by Harbour Master

  2. Must have PEC

  3. Technically NO - v/l is in DP in anchorage?

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Can vessels conduct DP trials in port waters? What approvals are required?


Ideally not within anchorages. Harbour Master’s approval is required, and a preferred location requested also.

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Please provide the beacons which enclose the recommended “No Go Area” in the vicinity of the Woodside and Pluto Channels?

“The 9’s”

Woodside 7 & 8

Pluto P5, P6, P7, P9, P10

Pluto PR1

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What caution should be exercised before entering and leaving Malus Channel?

  1. Call Dampier VTS crossing Hammersley Channel

  2. Beware any Semi subs under tow or running anchors.

  3. Small craft

  4. Cross currents

  5. Other navigating vessels

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What precautions must be taken when changing conning positions from fwd to aft?

Change over procedure and location must be adequately captured in the passage plan and master/pilot exchange

Should be posted clearly at each station

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What VHF Channels are allocated to the following: Dampier VTS

VHF 11 & 16

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What VHF Channels are allocated to the following: Toll Supply Base

VHF 10

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What VHF Channels are allocated to the following: Woodside Radio

VHF 82

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What VHF Channels are allocated to the following: Dampier Cargo Wharf

VHF 73 & 9

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What VHF Channels are allocated to the following: Hammersley Pilots

Private Ch & 13

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Describe the general rate and direction of Tidal Streams in the following locations: BLB, Pluto and Woodside Channels

Flood South

Ebb North

0.5-1.0 kts

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Describe the general rate and direction of Tidal Streams in the following locations: Malus Channel

West on the Flood

East on the Ebb

1 - 1.5 kts

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Describe the general rate and direction of Tidal Streams in the following locations: Channel Reef

Flood West

Ebb East

1 - 1.5 kts

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Describe the generic weather patterns during winter and summer months

Winter - swells may creep in from SW storms, easterly winds 20 - 25kts

Summer - Less swell, SW / W afternoon winds up to 20 kts

Storms may be encountered late summer

Cyclones: Nov - Apr possible

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Can wind strength and direction affect currents within the port?

Yes. Sea Ripple and Flying Foam Passages can reach up to 3.8kts. Ebbs and Floods can be above prediction.

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What website is useful for monitoring real time weather information and provide warning of approaching thunderstorm activity?

BOM - Live radar

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During windy periods, what caution must be exercised, particularly at the DCW and BLB with regard to movement alongside?

Double up mooring lines.

Run extra lines.

Have engines running, ready for immediate use.

Bridge and gangway watch on extra alert.

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Pilbara Ports Authority issues Local Marine Notices. Where can these be found?

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Where can you locate the daily shipping schedule for the Port of Dampier?

Daily Shipping Sheet (

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If you sight pollution of any kind, who should it be reported to?

Report it to Dampier VTS on VHF11 or (better) by phone

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If you do not use your pilotage exemption certificate in the port for a period exceeding 6 months, does it remain valid?

No. Must do one movement in the 6 months.

It lasts 24 months.

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You are the C/O onboard a vessel. The new master on the vessel does not have an exemption. Can you use yours while in the port?

The C/O is not permitted to use their PEC unless they are the Master in command.

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On what occasions when you MAY request a pilot?

  1. heavy traffic

  2. harbour works

  3. poor vis

  4. machinery defects

  5. anytime

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On what occasions MUST you request a pilot even when holding a PEC?

  1. Towing - total over 100m

  2. may require a tug

  3. When carrying certain DG’s

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While entering harbour, visibility drops in fog. What actions would you take?

  1. Report it to VTS

  2. Reduce speed

  3. Slow down and post lookout

  4. Consider anchoring at OA’s

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Numerous anchorages are provided for vessels within port limits. Where can you find details such as Lat/Long, anchorage swing radius, vessel size limitations, etc?

Dampier Port Handbook, Harbour Master’s Instructions and Sailing Directions

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Are STS operations permitted in the port? Does the PEC cover STS operations?

Yes. With approval from the HM

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As an exempt Master, what is the limitation on length of a towed vessel that you are authorized to tow without a pilot embarked

Length of towed vessel = less than 55m

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As an exempt Master, what is the limitation on length of tow that you are authorized to tow within port limits without a pilot embarked

Total Length of tow = less than 120m

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What are the Port of Dampier requirements for towing a vessel that is greater than 55m

Must use a pilot and a second tug

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What is the recommended route for General Cargo and Offshore Supply Vessels entering the port via Sea buoy

Past 2 way reporting point - Take Small Ship’s Fairway EAST of Woodside Channel then A/C at W6 to Pluto Ch WEST of number 10 then EAST of 9 & 10 of facilities channel keeping clear of small ships anchorages.

(via one of three established fairways - Western, Central, Eastern)

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Who may declare a port emergency?

A Marine Pilot , a Harbour Master or a delegate of the Harbour Master

Is that a PEC

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How is a port emergency announced to port users?

Dampier VTS CH 11 and 16 - Securitee message

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How is VHF Ch 11 used during a port emergency?

Emergency is acknowledged on VHF 11 and 16 then all further Emergency comms goes thru VHF 79

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How do vessels communicate all non emergency matters to Dampier VTS?

Via VHF Ch 11 or 16 or by email

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Under the Port Authority Act and Regulations, who is responsible for ensuring cargo details and billing agent details are communicated to Pilbara Port Authority?

Joint responsibility of the Master, owner, agent. The Master must advise the PPA of the Billing Agent.

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What is the maximum speed when passing within 45m of a moored vessel?

8 kts

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How does the Harbour Master issue cyclone response directives to ship masters? What must you do to ensure that your vessel receives these directives?

He uses the Port of Dampier Cyclone Response Plan and notifies users via email. Ensure you, as Master, are on the distribution list to receive them from the Harbour Master.

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Port of Dampier is governed by what legislation?

The Port Authorities Act 1999 and the Port Authority Regulations 2001

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Can your company reduce manning to below safe manning requirement? Please describe the procedures to follow if reduced manning is endeavoured by your company.

Yes. Flag State approval is required. It must be on an approved mooring, needs AMSA approval and Dampier Harbour Master’s approval.

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During which times of the year can higher swells be experienced and what is the general swell height?

Winter - 2m , Cyclones Nov-Apr possible 2.5m

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What notification is to be sent by vessels over 35m prior to arrival? Where can this notification be found?

NOA - Notice Of Arrival

Link in the Port of Dampier Handbook

Pilbarra ports website - about/pubs/forms/forms/2024 etc.

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What services are provided by Dampier VTS?

Emergency broadcast , shipping and traffic information and co-ordination, extraordinary weather information, broadcast of port works and hazards to navigation. They are the HM delegate.

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What declaration must be made to VTS prior to the vessel entering port, what additional information needs to be reported?

ETA, destination, draft, PEC (or if require a pilot), DG’s, Defects, Number of Crew and health, security level, last port or facility.

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How would you request for anchor allocation at Parker Point, Inner Anchorages, Woodside Anchorage, Bunkering A, or Small Ships anchorages? Also mention maximum vessel length permitted at these anchorages. Can the vessel stay on DP at the anchorage?

Anchorages may be requested on the NOR or at two way reporting point.

Phillip Point & SS - less than 100m - draft restricted

Inner Anchorages - Less than 100m - may be draft restricted & HM approval.

Woodside Anchorage - for cape size vessels

Bunkering Anc - 150m max

DP not technically but at HM discretion

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What criteria is acceptable to lower Rescue Boats? How is the approval obtained?

  1. Call and request permission Dampier VTS ch 11.

  2. 10 min ave wind below 20kts

  3. no entry into restricted areas - woodside, etc

  4. no squalls

  5. no small boat safety exclusion zones

  6. prior approval for KBSB and Toll SB

  7. Call VTS when complete

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Describe the Woodside alternate route

Follow 12m contour east past No.6 W beacon then W to follow Rio Tinto Ch to Sea buoy

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What is the breadth of the Toll Dampier channel? What precautions must be taken while transiting the channel?

48m breadth

  1. buoys not piles

  2. The buoys sit 20m outside the actual channel

  3. stay on the leads - central

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List the channels where rule 9 applies. Describe rule 9 in the ColRegs.

  1. Woodside LNG channel

  1. Woodside Pluto Ch

  2. Rio Tinto / Hammersley Channel

  3. Parker Point Approach Ch

  4. Dampier Facilities Ch

  5. Toll

  6. KBSB

  7. East Intercourse Island Arr & Dep

  8. Mistaken Island departure Ch

    Rule 9: Stbd side, cross at right angles, do not impede CBD, do not nav or anchor at ends of channels, v/l under 20m or sailing v/l do not impede

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Where is the wet stow area located? how are the chains marked? what caution must be exercised?


Chains are marked with a YELLOW BUOY with REFLECTIVE TAPE

Light FL W attached

Chains must be flaked out on the seabed. Water depth must not be reduced by more than 0.5m

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What are the requirements for towage within the port waters. What information must be provided to the Port Authority for any towing operation within port waters?

  1. provide a PASSAGE PLAN

  2. details of TOW ARRANGEMENT including LENGTH and CONFIGURATION


  4. PLANNED SPEED during PASSAGE in Port Waters

  5. position of SHORTENING UP tow

  6. details of TOWED VESSEL - LENGTH & DRAFT

  7. MASTERS DETAILS on towing vessel and PEC if applicable

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Is the Chief Mate able to exercise his PEC? Can the movements of a PEC Master who is not in command count toward extending his expiry?

Not unless he is in command of the vessel

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What is the breadth and minimum depth of the Toll Ch?



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Max arrival displacement for: 1. DCW West

  1. DCW East

DCW West = 35000 MT

DCW East = 15000 MT

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BLANK CHART - MARK: WOODSIDE #8 & #10 inc characteristics

Bcn 8 Q.R.

Bcn 10 Fl.R 3s

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BLANK CHART - MARK: the following channels:

  1. Hammersley

  1. From Seabuoy, left at 1&2, right at Courtenay Sh, down the west side to mid ground bcn, left into Parker Point, right to East Intercourse

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BLANK CHART - MARK: the following channels:

  1. Woodside

  1. from woodside channel beacon, bend at the 9’s and 8, veer left into woodside LNG WRG & Bu leads 132T

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BLANK CHART - MARK: the following channels:

  1. Pluto

  1. from woodside channel bcn veer right abeam #4 into pluto, west of the 9’s, turn left, Bu leads 141T

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BLANK CHART - MARK: the following channels:

  1. Facilities

  1. West cardinal mark near WF1, turn left, WRG & Bu Leads 132T into facilities ch - access to DCW W & E & bulk liq & heavy lift

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BLANK CHART - MARK: Indicate No.4 bcn Facilities channel

inside bend QR, SW of WS2 anchorage.

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BLANK CHART - MARK: Indicate Courtenay Head Lt. inc char

On eastern end of Malus Islands, Fl (6) 15s. 76m 10M

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