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It is clear from the piece that the author is ___ that is the reason they wrote this story
Is léir ón sliocht go bhfuil ____ ar an údar an fáŧh a scríobh sé/sí an scéal
The author wanted to show the advantages and disadvantages of ___
Teastaíonn ón údar na buntáistí agus na míbhuntáisti a bhaineann le ____ a chur in iúl.
It is clear that the author has an interest in the ____
Is léir go bhfuil suim ag an úðar i/sa ___
The author mentions ___ in the paragraph
Luann an t-údar __ i rith na hailte
The author discusses ___ sharply in this paragraph
Pleann an túdar __ go géar san alt.
Bíonn____ ar an údar
that said
É sin raite
the author says “quote”
Deir an t-udar
according to the author “quote”
dar leis an údar
The author mentions
Luann an t-údar
It is clear from the above mentioned evidence that ___ inspired the author
Is léir ón bhfiannaise thuasluaite fur spread ___ an údair an t'-alt a scrip h