A plant with white/pink fragrant flowers, which are 2-5 cm in width and have five petals, or in double blooms with many petals.
The leaves are narrow, lanceolate, leathery, dark green on the upper surface, lighter beneath, and 10-25 cm long.
Fruits turn brown, dries, and split, releasing small seeds tipped with brown hairs.
A plant with yellow, bell-shaped flowers which are 5-7 cm long and 5 cm wide, the five lobes are spirally twisted and spreading.
Leaves are lanceolate.
The fruit is globular, light green, about 4 to 5 cm in diameter and contains a single nut, which is triangular with deep groove along the edge.
A small plant or a shrub.
Leaves are dark green, fleshy and lanceolate, 20– 30 cm long and 4–6 cm broad.
The flowers are white, like those of jasmines.
It is a large herb with palmate leaves and white or blue showy flowers.
The whole plant is poisonous.
Roots are highly toxic and are used commonly. They have a conical, tapering shape with a wrinkled appearance (5-10 cm long) and a bittersweet taste. Apparently, it resembles the edible horse radish.
It grows in all tropical regions of the world.
It contains an alkaloid which is a colorless liquid that turns amber on exposure to light.