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An enlightened or awakened being
Denying yourself worldy pleasures
Samatha Meditation
calming the mind
Vipassana Meditation
'insight meditation'; a type of meditation that involves developing understanding of the nature of reality
Demon who tempted Siddhartha with visions of beautiful women
Freedom from suffering and rebirth
Law of cause and effect
Therevada Buddhism
One of the two big branches of Buddhism. More Traditional
Mahayana Buddhism
One of the two big branches of Buddhism. Less traditional
The Four Sights
(1) an old person, (2) a sick person, (3) a dead person and (4) an ascetic holy man.
Why the Buddha is important to Buddhists
He is a role model, guide and evidence that anyone can become enlightened
The teachings of the Buddha and the eternal law
dependent origination
Everything comes from and depends on something else
Cycle of death and rebirth that has no beginning.
Three Jewels/refuges
Buddha, dhamma, sangha
no fixed self or soul
suffering or dissatisfaction
The three marks of existence
anicca, anatta, dhukka
Pali canon
oldest collection of Buddhist texts
large collection of Buddhist texts
The first noble truth
truth of dhukka
suffering caused by ordinary problems e.g. sickness
suffering caused by change
suffering caused by existence
The second noble truth
suffering is caused by craving (tanha)
The three poisons/fires
greed, anger, ignorance
The opposite of greed
The opposite of anger
The opposite of ignorance
The Third Noble truth
It is possible to overcome dukkha if we stop its cause, craving
Nibbana in life
the three poisons are cured but the person is still alive
the person is dead and will never again be reborn into samsara
Theravada understanding of enlightenment
true understanding and acceptance of the four noble truths
Mahayana understanding of enlightenment
the realisation that samsara and nibbana are the same
The fourth noble truth
The way to overcome dukkha is to follow the Eighfold Path.
Right resolve
The desire to give up the three poisons.
Right speech
No lying or gossip
Right action
No killing or injuring, no taking what is not given, no wrong sexual acts.
Right livelihood
No making a living from something that harms living beings
Right effort
Avoid negative states of mind and promote positive states of mind
Right mindfulness
Be aware of the true nature of reality
Right concentration
Practice meditation.
Five skhandas
Five factors that make up a person
First skhanda
material form
Second skhanda
Third skhanda
Fourth skhanda
mental formations
Fifth skhanda
embryonic Buddha living inside every person
Buddha nature
all beings have the seed of buddhahood inside them
A perfected person who will not be reborn
person who has dedicated themselves to attaining enlightenment for the good of all beings
The difference between a Buddha and an arhat
A Buddha has rediscovered the dhamma after it has been lost
Pure Lands
mystical lands created by Buddhas where it is easy to hear the dhamma and become enlightened
loving kindness
loving kindness
desire for all beings to be happy
five precepts
ethical rules followed by Buddhists
first precept
To abstain from harming living beings
second precept
To abstain from taking what is not given
third precept
To abstain from sexual misconduct
fourth precept
To abstain from false speech
fifth precept
To abstain from intoxication
six perfections
generosity, virtue, patience, effort, meditation, wisdom
skillful action
actions that produce positive states of mind and generates good kamma
unskillful action
actions that harm oneself or other and produce negative kamma
middle way
path between two extremes
purpose of chanting
Makes the mind joyful and calm
Sacred words of power that are repeated during meditation
Prayer beads used to count the numbers of mantras chanted
Common offerings at a Buddhist shrine
flowers and water
purpose of Buddhist worship
Generate good kamma, remind Buddhists of the dhamma, help Buddhists cultivate the six perfections
Samatha meditation
Total concentration on a single object
metta meditation
practicing loving kindness to all beings
Vipassana meditation
Total awareness of the true nature of reality in the moment
Zazen meditation
Sitting meditation practiced in Zen Buddhism
Bringing your attention to the present moment.
Visualisation meditation
Seeing something in your mind such as Amitabha Buddha or the Pure Land
Buddhist building for worship
Gompas and Viharas
Buddhist monasteries
The place at home or in a temple where the Buddha or bodhisattvas are worshipped
main sites of Buddhist pilgrimage
the place of the Buddha's birth, enlightenment, first teaching and death
withdrawal from everyday life in order to focus on meditation and the dhamma
Bodh Gaya
the site of the Buddha's enlightenment
The Buddhist community and the third of the 'Three Refuges' of Buddhism
Monastic Sangha
Buddhist monks and nuns
Lay Sangha
Buddhists who have taken refuge in the 'Three Refuges' but are not monks or nuns.
sixth precept
abstain from food after noon
seventh precept
abstain from dancing, singing or music
eigth precept
abstain from perfumes and jewellery
ninth precept
abstain from high or luxurious beds
tenth precept
abstain from touching money, gold or silver
alms collecting
a form of begging conducted by many Buddhist monks and nuns
celebrates the Buddha's birth, enlightenment and entry to paranibbana
Paranibbana day
Mahayana festival celebrating the day when the Buddha died and achieved paranibbana
Japanese festival where people clean the graves of their ancestors
One thing that happens during Theravada death rituals
pour water into an overflowing cup to represent transfer of merit
One thing that happens during Tibetan death rituals
read the Tibetan Book of the Dead to help guide the dead person