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provide services for people to manage their money, make a profit by charging more interest for loans than they give on savings
credit unions
nonprofits that provide banking services to different groups of people based on their location, work, religion, or other factors
checking account
hold money for depositors that they can access on demand
debit cards
allows you to transfer money electronically
savings accounts
holds money in an account that pays interest
amount of money in a checking or savings account
money market account
savings accounts which offer a higher but variable interest rate, require a minimum balance
certificate of deposit
savings accounts that require a large minimum (usually $25,000-$50,000), must be left in for a specified amount of time (usually 6 months to 5 years)
fixed payments for bank services
overdraft fees
charged when the bank covers a check or debit-card purchase for more money than a person has in their checking account, insufficient funds
stock market investments
another way of saving money, risky investments, do not pay interest, rely on the value of companies to increase
investment firms
handles investments for groups of investors who agree to pool (deposit together) their money in an account
money management firms
deals with an investor that is an individual institution, such as a university (handles investments for a fee)
reasons why a bank or credit unions makes loans
mortgages, renovation projects, cars, business expansion, paying off other debt
annual fees
paid once a year for the privilege of using a credit card
late fees
extra payments that must be paid when a debt is paid after the date on which the payment was made
fixed interest
rate doesn’t change for the loan term
variable interest
rate can change (go up or down)
compound interest
interest on interest as well as on the principle
virtual, digital money, allows users to bypass banks and other financial institutions to make financial transactions
consumer finance companies
make credit loans to consumers and earn profit by borrowing money to make loans at a lower rate than the interest rate they charge (loans money to individuals)
sales finance companies
makes loans to businesses, can also purchase loans made by other companies (loans money to businesses)
pawn shops
customers use personal property as collateral for short-term loans, if loan isn’t repaid then the shop can sell the property, high interest rate
payday loan agencies
short-term loans with a high interest rate that customers repay when they get their paycheck
3 steps in establishing credit
get a checking and/or savings account, get a secured credit card, get an unsecured credit card
mortgage services
helps people find mortgages by shopping for different rates and lenders for them
credit monitoring
keeping track of your credit score and history
identity theft
crime of using someone else’s identity to gain access to their credit or tax refunds
credit report
detailed record of your credit history
credit worthiness
likelihood a borrower will repay a debt
payment history
shows how you have repaid your loans
debt to income ratio
total amount a person owns (debt) divided by their gross income (<30% is ideal)
hard hit
temporary impact on credit score because they are the result of a credit application
soft hit
used for pre-qualification, doesn’t impact your credit score from a company or potential employer looking at a credit report
3 major credit bureaus in the US
Equifax, Experian, TransUnion
factors that impact credit score
payment history, credit history length, new credit (credit applied for within past 2 years)
4 debt management strategies
auto-pay bills, new spending plan to reduce spending, using snowball plan or avalanche plan, take on a second job
snowball plan
paying off smallest debt first
avalanche plan
paying ogg highest interest rate first
good debt
helps generate wealth (buying a house, college loans)
bad debt
items that are from instant gratification and decrease in value (car loans)
secured debt
loans backed by collateral (car loans, home loans)
unsecured debt
loans without collateral (medical debt, student loans)
shows all loans on a credit report
greater weight to credit utilization, history length, and credit mix than FICO
credit utilization
total limit of credit used divided by the amount of credit limit
excellent score for a business according to FICO
700 or above
reasons why a business would take out a loan
expand, buy equipment, buy inventory
estate planning
how a person plans how their assets will be handled if they are no longer able to make decisions and how their property will be divided if they die
pooling risks so that the needs of a few people with claims can be offset by the money paid toward insurance by people who do not have claims
money the insured my pay before insurance begins to pay on a claim
coverage limits
amount insurance will pay on a claim
renter’s insurance
protects a renter from the loss of their property from causes that were not their fault
homeowner’s insurance
covers a person’s house and its contents from accidents
health insurance
covers part of the healthcare cost
disability insurance
provide a person with income if they become disabled and unable to work due to accidents or illness
life insurance
for working adults and replaces someone’s income in the home for their family if they die
person(s) who suffer financial harm from a person’s death
death benefit
enables a family to continue to pay their bills
durable power of attorney
legal document that fives one person (an agent) the right to make all decisions for another person
healthcare power of attorney
limits the agent to only healthcare decisions
living will
a legal document made in advance that spells out what someone would and would not want done to keep them alive
living trust
allows a trustee to make financial decisions for another person on behalf of that person’s beneficiary and to distribute their assets after their death
transfer on death deed
immediately gives ownership of a property to a person upon the death of the person making the deed
last will and testament
a person’s legal document stating how they want to distribute their property after they die
codicil to a will
amendment or change to a will
comprehensive car insurance
covers damage to car, injuries to the drivers and passengers if you are at fault or the other driver doesn’t have insurance
liability car insurance
covers damage to other cars and passengers if you are at fault
flood insurance
purchased through FEMA
children’s health insurance program (CHIP)
covers children whose parents earn to much money to have medicaid but still need public assistance