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what is memory?
the encoding, storage and retrieval of stored information
process of memory
how info flows through the memory system, information is first detected by senses then stored for later use, then retrieved when needed
encoding (input)
information taken from the senses and adapted into a form that can be stored in the brain
visual encoding
stored as mental imagery
acoustic encoding
an inner voice/ear
semantic encoding
knowledge of meaning
how we store information in the physical neural structure of the brain, can be stored for a lifetime
retrieval (output)
retrieving info from the brains storage so it can be used
short term memory
info from the senses that are paid attention to. held for a short duration, about 18 seconds. is encoded acoustically
long term memory
information from the STM that is rehearsed. this rehearsal is either maintenance (repeated) or elaborative (given meaning)
episodic memory
memory of events and personal experiences you’ve had. can be recalled consciously and put into words
semantic memory
memory of facts and meanings of the world. can be consciously recalled and put into words
procedural memory
unconscious memories of how to do things such as riding a bike. hard to put into words