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Unconditioned Stimulus
Causes an automatic (natural) response. Requires no learning.
Unconditioned Response
Automatic response, no learning required
Neutral Stimuli
Causes no reaction
Conditioned Stimulus
Formerly neutral stimulus, u have learned to respond to it.
Conditioned response
The response to the conditioned stimulus
The neutral and conditioned stimulus is?
Always the same
Unconditioned and Conditioned responses are...
Variations of each other.
Process of learned a response. Requires multiples association to occur.
Process of gradually losing a response when stimulus and response stop being paired together.
Spontaneous Recovery
When an extinguished response reappears
Two similar stimuli -> two similar response
Sees difference in the stimuli, leads to two different responses
Classical vs. Operant Conditioning (Behavior)
Classical : Behavior is involuntary
Operant : Behavior is voluntary
Classical Conditioning
Learning by association
Operant conditioning
An organisms behavior is shaped by the consequence of that behavior
Any consequence that increases the frequency of the behavior
Any consequence that decreases the frequency of a behavior.
Positive Reinforcement
Do something because it introduces something desirable
ie. do chores for an alliance
Negative Reinforcement
Do something b/c it removes something undesirable
ie. You take medicine b/c it makes sickness go away
Immediate Reinforcement
Happens instantly
Delayed Reinforcement
Takes awhile to occur
Primary Reinforcer
Naturally reinforces a behavior,don't have to learn to value it
ie. (want/desire) for food, water, shelter
Secondary Reinforcer
Something that u have to learn to value it
ie. praising a kid for eating all their dinner
Positive Punishment
Undesirable event occurs because of the behavior
ie. steal a cookie -> put in time out
Negative Punishmeny
A desirable event is removed b/c of the behavior
ie. fail a class -> can't go to prom
Downsides of Punishment
1.Behavior is still practiced just not in front of the punisher
2. Causes emotional issues (ie. fear, anxiety)
3. Can cause avoidance behavior (running away)
4. Temporary suppression of bad behavior
Shaping (Reinforcement)
Reinforcing behavior little by little.
Fixed Interval Schedule
Reward only comes after 1st response within a set amount of time (not random)
Downside of Fixed Interval
Organism starts to respond only at times they know they'll get reinforcement.
Variable Interval Schedule
Rewards correct responses at a random time
(ie. pop quizzes)
Is variable or fixed better for long term behavior.
Fixed Ratio Schedule
Behavior is rewarded after a set amount of correct responses
ie. 20 correct response = 1 reinforcement
ie. but ten, get 1 free