TTU ANSC 4406 Sheep and Goat Production Exam 2
What sheep have a long breeding season?
Fine wools
Hair Sheep
Finn Sheep
What sheep breeds are medium length breeders (when day length shortens in the fall)?
Black face breeds
What 3 breeds are short season breeders (later in fall and seasonal breeders)?
Long wool
When do ewes reach puberty?
5 - 12 months depending on season
Name the length of a ewes estrous cycle, length of estrous, and gestation
Estrous cycle: 17 days/Range 14 - 20
Estrus: 20 - 42 hours/Avg. 30 hours
Gestation: 143 - 152 days/5 months
Why would a producer choose to use a "once per year" lambing scheme?
Lamb when you want them to
Easiest and simplest
Uniform Age Group
Least Number of Lambs
Why would a producer choose to use a "continuous" lambing scheme?
Maximum Number of Lambs
Never take bucks out
Lambs born year round
Low management
What are the disadvantages of a "twice per year" lambing scheme?
Early post-partum infertility
More labor intensive
Why are hormones used in lamb operations?
A) Use to synchronize sheep
B) Increase ovulation rate and cause multiple births
C) Induce puberty
D) Cause cycling during anestrus period
E) All of the above
What is the importance of progesterone in lambing operations?
Progesterone is used to synchronize estrus
Name the different ways administer progesterone
Inject: labor intensive have to do once or twice a day for 12-14 days
Pessary: sponge with progesterone; goes in vagina and goes through walls. Can lose and get infected
MGA: melengesterol acetate= feed for 12-15 days then stop
Remove 12-15 days after then ewe will ovulate in 2-4 days; better on second ovulation
Best way to synchronize ewes and why must you?
use of a CIDR and females must be induced into estrus
What is the importance of estrogen in a lambing operation?
Produced by follicles
Grow = Increase
Jump start system faster
Highest just before and during estrus
Prepares uterus for pregnancy
Try to stimulate ovulation
What are the two gonadotropins used to induce ovulation?
B) Estrogen
D) Progesterone
E) None of the above
You plan to AI all your ewes in two months. You remove a CIDR in the ewes after 15 days and check heats with a teaser ram. After removing the CIDR, what injection will you give to induce ovulation in the ewes?
B) Estrogen
C) Antibiotic
D) Progesterone
E) None of the above
What are the 4 main ways to care for a ram?
Keep ram cool
Observe breeding activity
Have 1 ram per 25-50 ewes
Stagger breeding if breeding to many ewes
What are ways to check pregnancy on sheep?
Marking Harness: cheap and accurate; start with light crayon; change every 17 days
Checking Udders: 3 months bred
Ultrasound: expensive; 35 days; good operator tells multiples
Rectal abdominal palpation: 60-70 days
What factors should be considered when breeding a ewe?
Season: fertility increases in October than June
Light: decrease day length
Temperature: rams can become sterile in heat
Puberty: at 5-12 months
Age: peak reproduction at 3, 4, and 5 years
Body Weight: a 10 lb increase in body weight = 6% ovulation rate increase
Presence of Ram
What factors should be considered when breeding a ram?
Season: introduce when ewes are fertile
Light: decrease day length
Temperature: testicle temp is 4 - 10 F below body temp
Puberty: at 4 - 5 months
Social Dominance
Age:1 year old is most fertile but 1 - 5 years old is good production
Fertility: 1 mL should contain 8 billion sperm, testicular circumference should be 4 - 40 cm
Disease: EX. Epididymitis
What are the benefits of utilizing artificial insemination?
Access to better genetics
More offspring out of elite sires
Increases rate of improvement
Storing of genetic material
International movement of important genetics
Ability to breed out of season
Shorten lambing/kidding season
What are the 3 methods of AI used in sheep and goat production?
Vaginal AI: depositing semen vaginally
Trans-Cervical AI: depositing semen in uterine body
Laparoscopic AI: semen injected directly into the lumen of each uterine horn
What factors influence the success rate of artificial insemination?
Efficacy of programming
Female health
Semen quality
AI technician skill
What is the goal of embryo transfer?
To get more offspring out of elite females
Why go through the trouble of embryo transfer?
A) Increased offspring with elite genetics and decreased number of breeding females
B) Rate of Improvement increased
C) Increased bio-security, out of season breeding, shorter lambing season, and lamb uniformity
D) Preserving and shipping elite genetics
E) All of the above
What are the disadvantages of embryo transfer?
A) More cost and more labor intensive
B) Increased risks for donors
C) Keeping recipients on hand
D) Some females lack the genetics to superovulate
E) All of the above
T/F: Good embryos produce elite offspring even without a good recipient
T/F: Donors and recipients must be synchronized 3 weeks prior to the donor flush
fraction of observed traits expected to be transmitted to the next generation
Low heritability is?
less than 20%
Medium heritability is?
between 20% and 40%
High heritability is?
greater than 40%
Rate of Improvement
(heritability x selection differential) / generation interval
A farmer wants to improve his herd of Rambouillet in three years. Normally, he breeds the ewes at 1 year old and bucks at 2 years old. The farmer bought a ram with better genetics and will keep the best lambs as replacement ewes. What is another way the farmer can improve his herd?
reduce the generation interval by breeding ewes and rams at a younger age.
You want to become a sheep farmer, what traits will you consider to improve your profit margin?
A) adaptability and reproductive performance
B) growth rate and carcass
C) wool quality and yield
D) all of the above
E) two of the above
What traits are considered when selecting ewes?
A) Adaptability and longevity
B) Reproductive performance and mothering/milking ability
C) Wool production
D) All of the above
E) Two of the above
What factors are considered when determining a ewe’s reproductive performance?
conception, lambing, and weaning rate
What factors are considered when selecting rams?
growth rate (most important)
type score
freedom from genetic defects
A rancher decides to improve the staple length of her Debouillet herd, so she culls the rams with lower staple length and keeps the best ewes for three generations. After these generations, she gets a slightly better profit for her lamb’s staple length. This is an example of what selection practice?
A) tandem selection
B) independent culling levels
C) index
D) economic selection
E) none of the above
A rancher decides to improve his herd of Angora goats by breeding the calmer goats that grow quicker. He decides to cull the smaller goats and the ones with horns. After breeding the first generation, half are born with horns, so he culls those too. He continues to cull the goats that do not meet his new standards. Eventually, the rancher’s goats are all calm and have an improved growth rate. This is an example of what selection practice?
A) tandem selection
B) independent culling levels
C) index
D) economic selection
E) none of the above
A backyard farmer with 30 sheep wants to raise more lambs but does not want to buy more sheep. He decides to record the breeding and weaning rates of his ewes and finds that the 10 skinniest ewes raise the most lambs. However, those lambs are smaller than the others. The farmer decides to keep half of the lambs from the skinny ewes and half the lambs from the other ewes. After a few years, the farmer has grown his herd while continuing to make a profit. This is an example of what selection practice?
A) tandem selection
B) independent culling levels
C) index
D) economic selection
E) none of the above
Index Selection Method
weigh each trait and use the complete picture rather than eliminating for one trait
Independent culling level selection method
select for several traits and cull any who do not meet the minimum level
Tandem Selection Method
select for one trat only and cull based on that trait
What does CIDR stand for?
Controlled Intervaginal Drug Release
What is the purpose of a CIDR?
A) To increase growth rate
B) To increase estrogen in females in preparation for breeding
C) To increase PMSG in females for flushing embryos
D) To increase progesterone in females and sync ovulation cycles
E) None of the above
What steps are taken to prepare females for laparoscopic AI surgery?
1) Take females off feed and water
2) Anesthetize
3) Clip and sanitize surgical site