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any substance needed for survival, growth, development, tissue repair, or reproduction
_________ is cells and extracellular material from living things
-proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, water and minerals
nutrient storage
foods from plants are often specialized for _________________________: tubers and seeds (cereal grains, legumes and nuts).
essential nutrients
nutrients not made by animal but obtained in the diet
protein complementation
many traditional diets have _________________________________: a dietary strategy that involves combining two or more incomplete protein sources to create a complete protein
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids
what are the four major nutrients?
5 carbon sugar monomers
-most common is glucose
amino acid chains; components of lean tissue, enzymes, hormones
-excess can be used as energy
long carbon chains connected to a glycerol
-monomers are fatty acids
nucleic acids
nucleotides connecting a sugar phosphate backbone
__________________ are organic molecules you need that don't need to be broke down. they are small enough to be absorbed.
water-soluble vitamins
_____________________ are mostly involved in metabolism but are easy to absorb, dissolve in water, and are carried between cell membranes
fat-soluble vitamins
_____________________ don't dissolve in water, need fat to help transport them throughout the body, and can be stored in your fat.
______________ are inorganic ions and metals needed as cofactors, electrolytes or bone material
monosaccharides (simple sugars), amino acids, fatty acid chains, and nucleotides
what are the 4 groups of monomers our body gains from breaking down polymers?
extracellular; intracellular
digestion is _____________________ in complex animals, _________________ in sponges, single celled organisms
-phagocytosis, can only eat tiny particles, no food storage, low energy
incomplete digestive tract
cnidarians and flatworms have an _________________________ (mouth = anus)
-gastrovascular cavity
-protects cells from enzymes, allows to eat large items
-slow absorption
gastrovascular cavity
both digestion and distribution of nutrients.
mechanical digestion
-chewing to increase surface area
-squeezing, churning to mix enzymes
-adding mucus and bile to improve enzyme access
chemical absorption
-enzymes to hydrolyze bonds
-acids or bases to soften connective tissues, kill pathogens
GI tract
_______________ is a tube open to the outside
___________, cavity of the tube, is lined with epithelial and glandular cells that secrete enzymes, hormones, acid
-also secretory cells that release mucus
oral cavity
digestion starts in the _____________
-salivary glands deliver saliva to lubricate food, kill some bacteria
-teeth chew food into smaller particles that are exposed to salivary amylase and other enzymes (lysozyme, lingual lipase)
bolus of food
once food is chewed up, it's called a _____________________
the stomach stores food and secretes gastric juice, which converts a meal to acidic __________
gastric juice
_________________ is made up of HCl and the protease pepsin
_______ kills bacteria ingested with food, activates pepsinogen to pepsin, and denatures proteins
small intestine
the _______________________ is the longest section of the alimentary canal
most digestion occurs in the first section of the small intestine, the ____________________
jejunum and ileum
the ___________________________ function mainly in absorption of nutrients and water in the small intestine
brush border
epithelial lining of the duodenum, the ___________________, produces several digestive enzymes
-maltase, sucrase, lactase, aminopeptidase, dipeptidase, nucleases
-these finish digesting macromolecules to their monomers
_______ behaves like a detergent
-contains cholesterol, acid, phospholipids, bilirubin and salts
-emulsifies large fat droplets into smaller ones, giving greater surface area on which lipases can act
gall bladder
the liver makes bile, while the ____________________ stores it
stomach with pepsin
where does the protein in the meat start breaking down? what does it?
small intestine with bile and lipase
where does the fat start breaking down? what does it?
villi and microvilli
______________________ are exposed to the intestinal lumen
-both increase surface area 30-fold
each villus (plural form of villi) contains a network of blood vessels and a small lymphatic vessel called a ____________
fats are mixed with cholesterol and coated with protein, forming complexes called __________________
-these are transported into lacteals and lymph to join general circulation
secondary active transport
amino acids and monosaccharides pass through the epithelium of the small intestine by ______________________________ (cotransporters)
_________________ in alimentary canal control muscle contraction, glandular activity
-food enters stomach, causes expansion, activates nerves, stimulates glands
-once food enters small intestines causes stomach to slow down
gastrin, secretin, and CCK
how else is enzyme secretion controlled?
________________ is produced by stomach and duodenum upon stimulation by partially digested protein or by vagus nerve when stomach is distended
___________________ are chemical signals produced by cells in organs or specialized glands, that circulate in the bloodstream and act on one or more target tissues to cause many effects throughout the body
hepatic portal system
first sent to the liver, hepatocytes take up excess glucose and other nutrients in response to hormones (e.g., insulin)
-between meals when blood levels of these drop, hormones (e.g., glucagon) signal the liver to break down glycogen and secrete the monomers into circulation
-want slow steady stream, not burst of nutrients
-blood coming from the intestine varies in composition throughout the day.
________________ is an endocrine and exocrine gland.-exocrine cells make digestive enzymes for lumen-endocrine cells make insulin and glucagon-together they maintain constant blood glucose levels
type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM)
-immune system has mistakenly destroyed beta cells
-glucose accumulates to high level in blood
-treated by administration of insulin
-usually appears earlier in life
type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)
-cells of the body lose much of their ability to respond to insulin
-associated with obesity
-usually appears later in life
active insulin
banting, best, macleod, and collip were the first to isolate _______________
the _________ of the large intestine is connected to the small intestine
the ____________ aids in the fermentation of plant material and connects the small and large intestines
reduced in humans, but has an extension, the _______________, plays a minor role in immunity
a major function of the ____________ is to recover water
acidic stomach contents moving into esophagus
-caused by overeating, diet, smoking, pregnancy
erosion of alimentary canal
-caused by over production of acid, bacterial infections
heliobacter pylori
Marshall and Warren observed some ulcer patients had active colonies of _____________________
___________ are hard to digest, easy to catch
__________ is easy to digest, hard to catch