HISTOLOGJIA E ÇIMENTOS SE RRENJÉS SE DHEMBIT, cimentoja mund te jete celulare dhe acelulare, pa u mbe-shtetur ne te se a jane te pranishme gelizat - gimentocitet. Cimentoja celulare. - Cimentoja celulare krijohet pas asaj acelulare dhe per ate esht emertuar gimento tvdytesore. Cimentoja krijohet giate tere jetes, keshtu ge gimentoblastet ne siperfage te gimentos perfshi-het nga shtresat e sapoformuara, prandaj do te shndrohen nè geliza te cimentos - cimentocite. Cimentoja celulare mbulon giysmen apikale te renjes se dhembit dhe eshte me teper se cimentoja acelulare. Çimentoja acelulare. - Cimentoja acelulare quet edhe cimento paresore, mege krijohet e para ne siperfagen e dentines s renjes se dhe- mbit. Cimentoja acelulare shte me pak e pranishme ne krahasim me ate celulare. elizat themelore te cimentos - gimentoblastet, genden ne hape-sirat (lakunat) e gimentos. Krijone lidhshmeri me vazhduesit e tyre për- mes kanaleve ge lidhin lakunat, duke u shnderruar ne gimentocite. Cimentoja e rrenjes se dhembit shte me konzistence me te bute se smalti dhe dentina. Ndonjhere mund te jete me e bute se gurthi i dhembit dhe i konkrementeve. Çimentoja e rrenjes se dhembit shte me trashesi te ndryshme si ne zonen afer gafes sẽ rrenjes se dhembit dhe ne furkacionet. Ne keto regione trashesia arrin 150 deri 200 mikrometer, ndersa me e holle eshte ne zonen e qafes s irenjes sẽ dhembit me trashesi 20 deri 50 mikro- meter, qe do te thote ka trashesi te gimes sẽ flokut. Procesi i krijimit te gimentos se rrenjes se dhembit, eshte i panderprere, gjate tere jets. Shtresat e reja te renditura te cimentos jane me te theksuara te te moshuarit se te mosha rinore. Mendohet se gjate jetes gimentoja shtohet tri here. Te gimetoja celulare dhe acelulare ne mikroskop, verehet pamja e tyre shtresore. Lamelat jane te renditura paralel me siperfagen e dentines se rrenjes se dhembit. Struktura shtresore eshte pasoje e krijimit te shallezuar te cimentos. Cimentoblastet, te cilat genden ne siperfage te dentines, se pari krijone gimentoidin (paracimenton). Kjo substance eshte shtresa e cimentos se pamineralizuar. Me shtresimin e kriperave minerale shnderrohet ne gimento acelulare. Cimentoja celulare krijohet me perfshirjen dhe me vendosjen e gimentoblasteve ne shtrese te rifor-muar te cimentos. Procesi i formimit te gimentos me nderprerje jep pamjen e shtresuar, mege ky proces percillet gate tere jetes

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31 Terms


Flashcards are commonly used for __________ and vocabulary building.


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One side of a flashcard contains a __________ while the other side has the answer.

question or term

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Flashcards allow for __________ and spaced repetition techniques to enhance learning efficiency.

active recall

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Flashcards can be physical cards or __________ versions available through apps.


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Flashcards are versatile tools for various __________ and concepts.


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What is photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water.

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What is the capital of France?


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What is the Process of Evolution?

Evolution is the process by which different kinds of living organisms develop and diversify from earlier forms during the history of the earth.

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What is the formula for calculating the area of a circle?

Area = πr², where r is the radius of the circle.

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What is gravity?

Gravity is the force that attracts a body towards the center of the earth, or towards any other physical body having mass.

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What are the three states of matter?

Solid, liquid, and gas.

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What is DNA?

DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid, the molecule that carries genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth, and reproduction of all known organisms.

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What is the largest planet in our solar system?


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What is the pH scale?

The pH scale measures how acidic or basic a substance is, ranging from 0 to 14.

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What is the significance of the Great Wall of China?

The Great Wall of China is a UNESCO World Heritage site and was built to protect Chinese states from invasions.

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What is mitosis?

Mitosis is the process of cell division that results in two daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

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What is an ecosystem?

An ecosystem is a community of living organisms and their physical environment interacting as a system.

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What is the speed of light?

The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second (186,282 miles per second).

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What is the main product of respiration?

Carbon dioxide and water, with energy released.

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What is the process of condensation?

Condensation is the process by which water vapor becomes liquid water, typically when air cools.

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What causes tides?

Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun on Earth.

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What is an atom?

An atom is the smallest unit of matter, consisting of a nucleus surrounded by electrons.

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What are the layers of the Earth?

The layers of the Earth include the crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core.

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What is the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is the warming of the Earth caused by greenhouse gases trapping heat in the atmosphere.

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What is a quantum?

A quantum is the smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently, especially in the context of energy.

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What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources?

Renewable resources can be replenished naturally, while non-renewable resources exist in finite amounts.

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What is the importance of biodiversity?

Biodiversity is important for ecosystem resilience, providing resources for food, medicine, and ecosystem services.

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What does OSHA stand for?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

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What is the function of the heart?

The heart pumps blood throughout the body, supplying oxygen and nutrients.

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What is climate change?

Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, often tied to human activity.

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What is a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon, based on limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

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