________ can occur due to pulmonary complications such as bronchopneumonia.
Toxic petroleum distillates
________ are irritants and are absorbed orally as well as nasally.
aromatic hydrocarbons
Most of the ________ have characteristic odors and they are absorbed through inhalation, ingestion and direct skin contact.
Insecticides pesticides
Contains nicotine, tar oils, organochloro and organophosphorus compound carbamates, cyanides, etc.
Contains arsenic, antimony, lead, thiocyanate, phosphorus.
Cuticle remover
Contains potassium hydroxide, trisodium phosphate.
Furniture polish
Contains ordinary denatured spirit, resins, sodium hypochlorite (5 %), oxalic acid.
Product that contains formaldehyde, naphthalene.
Paint removers
Product that contains sodium hydroxide, acetone.
Lavatory cleaners
Product that contains mineral acids.
Drain cleaners
Product that contains sodium hydroxid.
Product that contains organochloro, organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides.
Baby powder
Product that contains Boric acid
Crayons (chalk)
Product that contains colored by copper, arsenic, lead components
Crayon (wax)
Product that contains Paranitroaniline, azo dyes
Toys (paints)
Product that contains Lead, chromium, copper, etc
Cuticle remover
Product that contains Potassium hydroxide, trisodium phosphate
Product that contains Barium sulfide
Nailpolish removers
Product that contains Acetone, ethylacetate
Sun tan lotions
Product that contains Denatured alcohol, methyl salicylate
Baking powder
Product that contains Tartaric acid (mild irritant)
Dishwashing compounds (machine)
Product that contains Sodium polyphosphates, sodium carbonate
Domestic fuel
Product that contains Kerosene
Domestic gas
Product that contains LPG (accumulated gas explodes with air when flame/spark is provided)
Fire extinguishing fluids
Product that contains Carbon tetrachloride, methyl bromide
Product that contains Antimony, phosphorus sesquisulfide, potassium chlorate
Rat paste
Product that contains Phosphorus, zinc/aluminum phosphide
Rodine (brown bran paste)
Product that contains Barium carbonate, thallium acetate
Drain cleaners
Product that contains Sodium hydroxide
Product that contains Phenol
Anti-rust products
Product that contains Ammonium sulfide, naptha, oxalic acid
Dentifrices, mouthwashes
Product that contains Hydrogen peroxide
Furniture polish
Product that contains Ordinary denatured spirit, resins, sodium hypochlorite (5%), oxalic acid
Lavatory cleaners
Product that contains Mineral acids
Marking ink
Product that contains Aniline
Product that contains Naphthalene
Paint removers
Product that contains Sodium hydroxide, acetone
Shoe polish
Product that contains Aniline, nitrobenzene
Straw hat cleaner
Product that contains Oxalic acid
Product that contains lodine, benzoin, phenol
Cough remedies
Product that contains Codeine
Headache remedies
Product that contains Asprin, phenacetin, analgin
Pep tablets
Product that contains Benzedrine
Sleeping preparations
Product that contains Barbiturates
Throat tablets
Product that contains Potassium chlorate
Tonic syrup
Product that contains Eastons syrup (strychnine)
Product that contains Antidepressants, tranquilizers, antibiotics, analgesics, etc
Product that contains Lead arsenate, copper compounds, organic mercurials, lime, sulfur
Insecticides pesticides
Product that contains Nicotine, tar oils, organochloro and organophosphorus compound carbamates, cyanides, etc
Weed killers
Product that contains Sodium chlorate, arsenious oxide (herbicides) and arsenites, dinitrocresol, paraquat