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Section of DNA on a chromosome that controls a feature by coding for formation of one or more specific polypeptides or a functional RNA (including rRNA and tRNA).
The specific linear position of a particular gene on a certain chromosome
Alternative forms of a particular gene with different base sequences, and therefore different codes
Situation or organism in which paired alleles are the same
Situation of organism in which paired alleles are different
An allele that expresses itself in the phenotype in heterozygous organisms
An allele that does not express itself in the phenotype in heterozygous organisms
Alleles which both contribute to the phenotype (i.e. produce a blended effect) in the heterozygous condition
Multiple alleles
If there are more than two alleles for each gene in the gene pool. NB. Only 2 chromosomes in a homologous pair so only 2 of the three or more alleles can be present in a single organism
Pure-breeding strain
Group of organisms in which a certain characteristic is unaltered for generations, indicating that organisms are homozygous for that feature
Inheritance of a single pair of alleles
Inheritance of two pairs of alleles
Haploid (n)
Cell or nucleus containing single, unpaired chromosomes
Diploid (2n)
Cell or nucleus containing pairs of homologous chromosomes
The observable or biochemical characteristics of an organism, resulting from both its genotype and the effects of the environment
The combination of alleles present within the cells of an organism
Features determined by genes (rather than the environment) and therefore passed on to offspring
Homologous chromosomes
A pair of chromosomes, one maternal and one paternal, that have the same gene loci and therefore determine the same features. They are not necessarily identical as may have different alleles. They are capable of pairing during meiosis.
A measure of the relative size of two classes that is expressed as a proportion.
Sex linked
Any gene that is carried on either the X or Y chromosome.
Autosomal linkage
The situation where two or more genes are carried on the same autosome.
A chromosome which is not a sex chromosome
This arises when the allele of one gene affects or masks the expression of another in the phenotype.
Hardy Weinberg Principle
The principle predicts that the proportion of dominant and recessive alleles of any gene in a population remains the same from one generation to next provided five conditions: No mutations, population is isolated, no natural selection (alleles are equally likely to be passed on), large population, mating is random
Gene Pool
all the different alleles of all the genes of all the individuals in a population at any one time
Allelic frequency
the number of times an allele occurs within the gene pool in a population, relative to all others at same locus
Discontinuous variation
Distinct forms with no intermediate types.
Continuous variation
No distinct categories - likely to obtain a bell-shaped curve known as a normal distribution curve.
Natural selection
Darwin's theory to explain the mechanism of evolution. The process by which organisms better adapted to their environment survive and reproduce and pass on their advantageous alleles to the their offspring, whilst those less well adapted fail to do so.
Directional selection
Favours one extreme of the range of characteristics and the other extreme is selected against - shift in population curve
Stabilising selection
Favours the mean of the distribution because the extremes are at a selective disadvantage - frequency of mean phenotype increases
Disruptive selection
Favours both extremes of a distribution, selection occurs against the mean - results in bimodal distribution.
Genetic Drift
Causes random changes in allele frequencies in a population due solely to chance factors.
Genetic bottleneck
Severe reduction in population size
Founder effect
Isolation of a small group of individuals by migration or a physical barrier.
Evolution of new species from existing ones. Process by which reproductive isolation occurs between two populations so that they evolve along their own separate paths into 2 separate species with different allele frequencies.
A group of organisms that have a common ancestry and so share the same genes and are capable of breeding together to produce fertile offspring - are reproductively separated from other species.
Allopatric speciation
occurs when populations occupy different environments - they are geographically separated.
Sympatric speciation
occurs when populations are reproductively isolated within the same environment.
Self-contained unit made up of the biotic and abiotic factors in an area
A group of organisms of the same species occupying a particular space at a particular time that can potentially interbreed.
The organisms of all species that live in the same area
The place where an organism normally lives
All the conditions and resources required for an organism to survive and reproduce (its 'role')
Random Sampling
Sampling a population to eliminate bias e.g. grid square and co-ordinates
Systematic Sampling
Regular sampling across an area e.g. along a straight line transect
Method of estimating population size of animals (number in first sample x number in second sample) / marked animals in second sample
Abiotic Factors
Concerned with the non-living part of the environment
Biotic Factors
Concerned with the living organisms in the environment
Interspecific Competition
Competition between organisms of different species
Intraspecific Competition
Competition between organisms of the same species
The changes in an ecosystem, over time, of the species that occupy it
Pioneer Species
A species that can colonise bare rock or ground
Climax Community
The stable, final, community that exists in a balanced equilibrium that makes up the final stage of succession. Abiotic factors are more or less constant over time.
Management of the Earth's natural resources in such a way that maximum use can be made of them in the future