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people who read about research so they can later apply it to work, hobbies, relationships, or personal growth
people who create research.
evidence-based treatments
therapies supported by research
research that uses evidence from the senses, or instruments that assist the senses, as the basis for conclusions
the specific outcome a researcher will observe in a study if a theory is accurate
a set of observations
when a researcher states publicly what the study’s outcome is expected to be.
when a study is conducted again to test whether the result is consistent
weight of the evidence
the collection of studies, including replications, of the same theory
a quality of a theory that means that when the hypothesis is tested it could fail to support the theory
discovering of its own mistaking theories and correcting of them
applied research
a type of research where a practical problem is tested and the work is conducted in a local, real-world context.
basic research
research done to enhance the general body of knowledge
translational research
a type of research that uses lessons from basic research, and is used to develop and test applications to forms of treatment and intervention.
secondhand reporting about the research, written by journalists or laypeople