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action potential
a neural impulse; a breif electrical charge that travels down an axon. inside is negative (70mv), outside is positive
muscle action, learning, associated with alzheimers, paralysis
linked to pain control and pleasure, mood and sleep. Lack can lead to depression, excess to anxiety
sympathetic nervous system
arouses& accelerate the body, mobilizing its energy in stressful situations. part of autonomous
parasympathetic nervous system
calms the body, conserving its energy. part of autonomous.
association areas
all parts of cerebral cortex not involve with receiving sensory messages or muscle movements. Thoughts, judgement, humor
“primitive” part of brain that controls basic body functions
medulla, cerebellum, pons
very small in humans and coordinates simple movements with sensory info
corpus callosum, basal ganglia
sophisticated part of human brain, includes limbic system.
latin for brain, white matter, forebrain
grey matter, outmost layer of cerebrum, responsible for higher level thinking
behind brainstem, coordination of fine movement, balance, implicit/procedural memories
the base of the brainstem; automatic survival functions: controls heartbeat and breathing.
sends and receives info
reticular formation
a nerve network in the brainstem that plays an important role in controlling arousal.
the brain's sensory switchboard, located on top of the brainstem (egg shaped); it directs messages to the sensory receiving areas in the cortex and transmits replies to the cerebellum and medulla, excludes smell
sense —> thalamus —> cortex —> cerebullum/medulla
helps coordinate voluntary movement and balance. “little brain,” connected to brainstem.
nucleus aaccumbens
reward/pleasure circuit, associated with drug dependency
emotion, sexual, pleasure, drinking, eating, body temporature, limbic system, below thalamus. Sleep schedule controls endocrine system. four f’s
frontal lobes
invloved in speaking and muscle movements and in making plans and judgments. working memory, voluntary movement, speech
occipital lobes
visual processing. left visual field goes to right side and is processed there and vice versa
temporal lobes
hearing, storing and learning memories.
Broca's area
nvolved in speech, allows communication. left frontal lobe
Wernicke's area
understanding, left temporal lobe
specific functions controlled by each half of the brain
left hemisphere functions
logic problem solving, math, produce and understand language, sensory info, movement for right side
right hemisphere functions
recognizing faces, spatial tasks, art, music, movement for left side
Roger Sperry and Michael Gazzaniga
studied split brain patients. If the word bus was show to left side, patient can’t identify bus (language, left side of brain), but can draw it.
melatonin, sleep cycles
insulin and glucagon
sex hormones
center of neuron
refractory period
while reuptake is occuring neuron can’t fire. Resetting to resting potential state
neurotransmitter communication
chemical between neurons, electrical within neuron.
center of cell body
nodes of ranvier
gaps in myelin sheath, allow ion exchange
terminal buds
knoblike structures at the ends of an axon, neurotransmitter vesicles
mirror neuron
fire when doing an action and when someone else is doing that action
speed up. either block reuptake or mimick natural neurotransmitters (cocaine)
slow down. Occupy receptor sites and block transmission
pleasure, reward, voluntary movement. influence movement, learning, attention, and emotion. Lead to schizophrenia, parkinson, depression, addiction ex: cocaine, alcohol
major inhibitory neurotransmitter, excess: anxiety disorders, seizures, &insomnia, lack: Huntington disease
major excitatory neurotransmitter, involves memory and learning. excess: migraines/seizures, Lou Gherigs's
love hormone, excess leads to lower pain threshold, lack leads to higher pain threshold
mood appetite, sleep, lack leads to depression, aggression