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Glycocalyx, Cell wall, Plasma membrane
What are the 3 layered structure of prokaryotes
Polysaccharides but may contain proteins too
What is the capsule and slime layer made up of?
What other membraneous structure are found in cyanobacteria and purple bacteria
What membranous structure is found in gram positive bacteria
Vesicles, tubules and lamellae
What extensions does mesosome have
Gram negative bacteria
True pilin is found in which type of bacteria
What type of protein is found in pili
50 and 30 S subunit; 70 S type
What are the subunits and unit found in Ribosomes of prokaryotes
Blue-green algae, purple and photosynthetic bacteria
Gas vacuoles are found in what bacteria
Phosphate granules, cyanophycean granules and glycogen granules
Where are inclusion bodies found
poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate granules, Sulphur granules and gas vacuoles
What inclusion bodies are surrounded by non unit membrane
80 S
What are the unit found in Ribosomes of eukaryote
70 S
What are the unit found in mitochondria and plastids
52% lipids and 40% proteins
In human RBC what is the percentage of the protein and lipids
Singer and Nicolson; Fluid Mosaic Mode
Who proposed an improved model of cell membrane and what was it named
LAteral movement of proteins and lipids
What did the fluid mosaic model propose?
Chitin, a polymer of N-acetylglucosmaine(NAG) units
What is the fungal cell wall made up of?
Cellulose, galactans, mannans and minerals like calcium carbonate
What is the Algal cell wall made up of?
insoluble pollysaccharides, hemicellulose, pectin and proteins
What is the Plant cell wall made up of?
Calcium and magnesium pectate
What is the middle lamellae made up of
Meristematic and parenchymatous cells
What cells have only primary cell wall
60 S
What type of unit is present in cisternae
Lipids and sterol
What do tubules synthesize
What is the only ER structure found in spermatocytes
What types of pr
1.Detoxification of drugs
2.Associated with muscle contraction by release of and uptake of Ca2+
3.specialised in the synthesis of lipids and sterols
What are the functions of SER
Mature seive tubes
Gologi apparatus is seen everywhere except for in
Trans face
From which “face” of the golgi is stuff released
Glycoproteins and glycolipids
Golgi apparatus is important site for formation of
Inactive enzyme
What type of enzyme do Primary lysosome have
What is the vacoule membrane called
40% lipid and 60% proteins
What is the outer membrane of the mitochondria made up of?
80% protein and 20% lipids and is rich in cardiolipins
What is the inner membrane of the mitochondria made up of?
70S ribososmes, dsDNA molecule, enzymes for TCA and components required for synthesis of proteins
What is the matrix of the mitochondria made up of
Amyloplast: Starch containing
Elaioplast :Store fats and oils
Aleuroplast :Store proteins
What are the three types of leucoplast
Granum is absent
What is absent in leucoplast
What type of ribosome is present in chloroplast
Synthesis of carbs and proteins. It also contains dsDNA and ribososmes
Stroma of chloroplast contains enzymees required for
MG+2 ions
Which is the ion due to which eh ribosomes are connected
The ribosomes are made of ribonucleoproteins in teh ratio (for 70S)
The ribosomes are made of ribonucleoproteins in teh ratio (for 80S)
30S smaller subunit: 21 proteins and 16S rRNA
50S larger subunit: 34 proteins and 23S and 5S rRNa
What does the 70S ribosome contain
40S smaller subunit: 33 proteins and 18 S rRNA
60S larger subunit: 40 protein molecules and 28S,5.8S and 5S rRNA
What does the 80S ribosome contain
13 parallel protofilaments
What is the boundary of the microtubules made up of
alpha and beta subunit of tubulin protein
What is each protofilament made up of
Helps in spindle and astral rays formation during spindle formation
Form cytoskeleton of cilia and flagella
What are the functions of microtubules