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Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. Assassinated on June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo by Serbian Gavrilo Princip.
MAIN (acronym)
The acronym that describes the causes of WWI: militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism.
The aggressive preparation for war
Political agreements between great powers. If a conflict arises, they could pull countries into war.
The extension of a nation's power over other lands.
The unique cultural identity of a people based on common language, religion, and national symbols.
Triple Alliance
Alliance among Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy at the end of the 19th century; part of European alliance system and balance of power prior to World War I.
Triple Entente
Alliance among Britain, Russia, and France at the outset of the 20th century; part of European alliance system and balance of power prior to World War I.
Woodrow Wilson
28th president of the United States, sought 14 point post-war plan for peace.
"He kept us out of war."
Woodrow Wilson's slogan for his reelection.
Allies (Triple Entente)
Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy the United States and other countries fighting against the Central Powers.
Military draft
The Schlieffen Plan
A plan in which the Germans would invade Belgium and France. Then, turn around and defeat Russia in the east. This plan failed when the Germans were stopped in France and a stalemate developed.
Black Hand
The Serbian terrorist group that planned to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Gavrilo Princip was the assassin.
Eastern Front
Front along the German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian, Balkan, and Turkish border. Fighting was primarily between the Russians and the Central Powers.
Western Front
The WWI battles which stretched from the English Channel to the Swiss Alps. It was fought between the Central Powers and the Allies. It was characterized by trench warfare that kept both sides in virtually the same position for four years.
Ideas that are spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause. It was used to spread a particular point of view. It was meant to cause an emotional response.
League of Nations
International diplomatic and peace organization created in the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I; one of the chief goals of U.S. President Woodrow Wilson.
Fourteen Points
Wilson's peace plan. Each of the points was designed to prevent future wars.
First Battle of the Marne
Battle at which the German advance into France was stopped and at which a stalemate developed.
A deadlock in fighting in which neither side makes major gains. The Western Front was locked in this for most of the war.
Trench Warfare
An in-ground fortification. These were used extensively on the Western Front. They were muddy, filled with disease including trench foot caused by the extremely wet conditions of the trenches.
No-man's land
The space between the trenches where the battle was fought. Often filled with barbed wire.
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Germany's blockade of English waters with submarines and firing torpedoes without warning at any ships.
Zimmerman Telegram
German Telegram to Mexico inviting them to join their alliance and begin a conflict with the United States.
English cruise ship sunk without warning by a German U-Boat on May 7, 1915.
Total War
It involved a complete mobilization of resources and people. During this time the power of governments over people increased. Freedom of the press and speech were limited. WWI was a total war.
German submarine. Germany used the U-boats to conduct unrestricted submarine warfare.
Czar Nicholas II
Last monarch of Russia. Because of the Russian Revolution, he was forced to abdicate (removal from monarchy). They were held as prisoners, then he and his family were assassinated during the Russian Civil War.
Russian Revolution
An overthrow of Czar Nicholas II's monarchy. The people of Russia were cold and starving because of Nicholas' foreign and economic policies.
A soviet (council) led by V.I. Lenin that promoted the ideas of Karl Marx.
Vladimir Lenin
Returned from exile to lead the Bolshevik Revolution and overthrow the Russian provisional government. Helped create the Soviet Union.
"Peace, Land, and Bread"
The slogan Lenin used to gain support for the Bolsheviks.
Russian Civil War
The Bolsheviks were not able to keep their promises, so the Russian people revolted.
Those who opposed the Bolsheviks (or Communists) in the Russian Civil War
Those loyal to the czar, anti-Lenin socialists, liberal socialists, and the Allies
October Revolution
After the Revolution, the Bolsheviks and the Communist Party established the Soviet Union (USSR). Then, Lenin and the Communist Party became the leaders of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics.
Central Powers
The alliance of the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire.
Treaty of Brest-Livotsk
Treaty between Russia and Germany officially declaring Russia's exit of the war. After Russia left the Eastern Front, Germany was able to focus all of its efforts on the Western Front.
This was the last year of the war. This was the year the United States entered the war. This provided a needed morale and economic boost to the European Allies. It brought the Allies fresh troops and supplies.
In this year, the Germans became tired of the war effort.
War of attrition or battle of attrition
A war based on wearing down the other side with constant attacks and heavy losses. It is also associated with trench warfare.
This nation was forced to take responsibility for the war in the Treaty of Versailles.
Germany was forced to pay these for the damages of the war. Germany felt this was unfair and it negatively affected their economy.
Term used to describe the weapons and the military.
Balkan Peninsula
This region in Europe has been known as the powder keg of Europe. before World War I, it had the countries of Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Romania, Albaniaand parts of the Austrio-Hungarian Empire, and Greece.
This word, meaning cease-fire, was signed on November 11, 1918. It was signed by Germany on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.
Treaty of Versailles
Created by Allied nations: France, Britain, Italy, and the US. Signed by Germany, who was not present. Never signed by the United States.
Territories that are temporarily governed by another country on behalf of the League of Nations.
Germany invaded this neutral nation in Northern Europe to get to France.