minerals needed in greater amounts are classified as:
minerals needed in smaller amounts are classified as:
functions as an antioxidant
prevents cavities
major sources of water in diet
water 1/3 total water intake fruits and veggies other beverages (juice/soda)
major functions of water in diet
acid/base balance temperature regulation
water in the diet
total % based on muscle mass men need more
water intoxication rare occurs from low sodium levels in the blood
#1 source is table salt common for intakes above the Upper level deficiency is rare in the US
major functions fluid balance muscle and nerve function
roles: fluid and electrolyte balance nerve impulse transmission and muscle contraction
major sources: fruits and veggies
heme iron
animal sources higher bioavailability
nonheme iron
plant and animal foods vitamin C as an absorption enhancer
role in immune function
zinc sources
protein-rich foods milk, cheese, yogurt, shellfish, and meat
helps regulate: body temp metabolic rate reproduction and growth
iodine souces
iodized salt, seafood, seaweed
non energy yielding
water soluble
vitamins B and C excess excreted by the kidneys through urine classified as:
fat soluble
vitamins A, D, E, K primarily absorbed in small intestine classified as:
often lost during processing fortified in cereals and milk
deficiency seen in alcoholics
B vitamins
act mainly as coenzymes
folate (folic acid)
the only vitamin that the synthetic form is absorbed better than the natural form mandatory fortification in grains
Vitamin A
important in vision high amounts found in cantaloupe
Vitamin C
highest in fruits and veggies please eat them so sickness is less impactful
Vitamin D
critical in bone health is not essential due to not needing to eat it because we can synthesize it ourselves can create a calcium deficiency
Vitamin E
an antioxidant found in many oils
Vitamin K
involved in clotting of the blood
upper level
mainly fat soluble since they are not excreted through the urine
the amount of the vitamin actually absorbed and utilized