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During the 1700’s, Primarily Great Britian and other parts of Western Europe had undergone an agricultural revolution. With new crops introduced from the Columbian exchange, such as the potato, and new technological innovations, such as the crop rotation system along with the seed drill, there was an increase in food which led to longer life expectancy and population growth. Britian also was located near immense coal deposits which further fueled early industrial activities.
HC (2) 3 sentences
Not only were they able to gain raw materials from their own lands, due to their maritime empire they also were able to gain raw materials like timber from North America and cotton from India. With new mechanization and materials, the need for labor on farms decreased which led to rural workers to migrate to cities to work in factories—creating industrial cities. Wealth from new workers in factories and from the Atlantic Slave Trade contributed to capital accumulation amongst Europe.
People started to invest in emerging industrial enterprises. As this new era of industrial advances started to emerge, the industrial revolution started. The effects of the Industrial Revolution had an overall negative impact because it divided classes aswell as gender and led to an overall poor living quality, and factory conditions worsened while global industries fell.
During the industrial revolution, many changes occurred as people started to work in the factories. Urbanization spread due to many people moving to the cities to work in factories, causing overcrowding and highly populated cities. For example, Manchester and Liverpool. As people continued to move in, tenements were made to house the people.
These houses lacked proper cleaning, spread diseases, and were located in the slums. Those who lived in these housing was typically the proletariat, the working class, because the bourgeoisie obtained most wealth made from the factories. As people started to observe the impacts of industrialization they started to speak out.
German philosopher Karl Marx critiqued communism in the Communist Manifesto written in 1848 addressing the division of the working class and bourgeoise. Not only were there problems in social classes, but women were also treated unequally and unfairly. Proletariat women who worked in factories experienced harsh labor and were paid less than men.
They also served as domestic servants. As the higher classes saw this, they started to form their own opinions on women role in the world. The cult of domesticity started to gain traction in the 19th century which held the beliefs that woman should exist in private, domestic in their home, not venturing outside to work. Mixed opinions and gender roles formed in this era. The working class had a big disadvantage when it came to the rising middle class in society.
Economically speaking, industrialization started to lead to capitalism. As employers started to employ the working class, they had no regard for the treatment of workers and who they would hire. Child labor started to spread. They labored in oppressive heat and often were sent to mines which threatened their life and led to them breathing in harsh chemicals and dust, damaging their lungs.
Most of these factory workers worked hours as long as 14-16 hours, 6 days a week. Not only children but workers in general. They had to work with dangerous machinery with no protection, leading to many injuries and deaths, and they also had to work with chemicals leading to lung diseases such as tuberculosis.
In 1832, Micheal Saddler made the Saddler Report, exposing the harsh realities of factory labor in Britian. Labor unions started to secretly organize under the government to combat these harsh factory conditions and working conditions amongst woman and children. As capitalists began to profit from these factories and workers, things started to become mass produced.
Karl Marx argued that most of the wealth made received from mass production went straight to the bourgeoisie because they owned the machines, factories, mines, and lands. As a result of this mass production which led to consumerism, there was more and more pollution. Not only did the revolution impact the working part of the economy, but it had an impact globally.
British textile industry mechanization led to the decline of Indias upper hand in the textile industry, German steel industries declined the British ones, and France with luxury goods declined the Chinese industries. Britian, U.S, Germany, and France industrialized and rose while India, China, the Ottoman Empire, and Spain fell. As the western part of Europe industrialized, the rest of the world fell behind.