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Demography -
The study of population characteristics.
Ecumene -
The inhabited parts of Earth.
Population Distribution -
The locations where people live.
Population Density -
The number of people per unit of land.
Arithmetic Density -
Total people divided by total land area.
Physiological Density -
People per unit of arable land.
Carrying Capacity -
The maximum population an area can support.
Doubling Time -
Time for a population to double.
Natural Increase Rate (NIR) -
Births minus deaths in a population.
Overpopulation -
Too many people for available resources.
Life Expectancy -
Average years a person is expected to live.
Zero Population Growth (ZPG) -
When births equal deaths.
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) -
Infant deaths per 1,000 live births.
Total Fertility Rate (TFR) -
Average number of children per woman.
Census -
An official population count.
Birth Rate -
Live births per 1,000 people per year.
Death Rate -
Deaths per 1,000 people per year.
Population Explosion -
Rapid population growth.
Population Pyramid -
A graph showing age and sex distribution.
Dependency Ratio -
Non-working vs. working-age population.
Sex Ratio -
The ratio of males to females.
Demographic Momentum -
Population growth continues despite lower birth rates.
Demographic Transition Model (DTM) -
Stages of population change due to development.
Epidemiology -
The study of disease patterns.
Epidemiologic Transition -
Disease patterns change with population shifts.
Endemic -
A disease regularly present in an area.
Epidemic -
A widespread disease outbreak.
Pandemic -
A global disease outbreak.
Medical Revolution -
Medical advancements reducing death rates.
Mobility -
Movement from one place to another.
Migration -
Permanent relocation to a new place.
Step Migration -
Moving in stages (farm → village → city).
Chain Migration -
Migration to follow relatives or community.
Voluntary Migration -
Moving by choice for better opportunities.
Forced Migration -
Being compelled to move (war, persecution).
International Migration -
Moving across country borders.
Internal Migration -
Moving within a country.
Interregional Migration -
Moving from one region to another.
Net Migration -
Difference between immigrants and emigrants.
Nomadism -
Seasonal movement of people and animals.
Refugees -
People fleeing war or persecution.
Push Factors -
Reasons to leave an area (war, poverty).
Pull Factors -
Reasons to move to an area (jobs, safety).
Quotas -
Limits on the number of immigrants.
Intervening Opportunity -
A closer migration destination that is better.
Intervening Obstacle -
A barrier that hinders migration.
Illegal Immigrants -
People entering a country without authorization.
Immigration -
Moving into a new country.
Emigration -
Leaving a country.
Guest Workers -
Temporary foreign workers.
Asylum -
Protection for political refugees.
Brain Drain -
Skilled workers leaving for better opportunities.
Restrictive Policies -
Government limits on population growth.
Expansive Policies -
Policies encouraging higher birth rates.
Eugenic Policies -
Favoring a specific racial or ethnic group.
Agricultural Density -
Farmers per unit of arable land.
A disease weakening the immune system.
Baby Boom -
A period of high birth rates.
Baby Bust -
A period of low birth rates.
Chronic Diseases -
Long-term diseases common in developed countries.
Crude Birth Rate (CBR) -
Births per 1,000 people.
Crude Death Rate (CDR) -
Deaths per 1,000 people.
Developed Country (MDC) -
A modern, industrialized country.
Developing Country (LDC) -
A country with a growing economy.
Dot Map -
A map showing population distribution with dots.
Green Revolution -
Advances increasing food production.
Industrial Revolution -
A period of rapid industrial growth.
Malthus -
Predicted population would outgrow food supply.
Neo-Malthusians -
Believe resource scarcity will cause conflicts.
Population Composition -
Structure of a population (age, sex, etc.).
Stationary Population Level -
When a population stops growing.