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what are the types. of multiple choice questions?
main idea
what is it about OR what is the purpose
who is it for
comprehension (look for details)
inference questions
unknown vocab
what would a certain group think of _____
What must you do in the email to earn a five?
ask a quality question
How to open a letter
:e agradezco mucho por su mensaje y espero que todo esté bien con usted
en primer lugar quisiera agradecerle por haberme seleccionado/a como finalist por ….
Estoy muy emocionado/a saber que tengo la oportunidad de …..
how to transition to questions from the intro?
para empezar, estaría feliz contestar todos sus preguntas sobre
Con respeto a su primera pregunta
En cuanto a su segunda pregunta
how to transition into a question
Quisiera saber más sobre
how to close the email?
Muchas gracias por su amable atención. No dude en contactarme para facilitarle cualquier otra pregunta. Espero a la espera de su respuesta
how to sign off an email
Atentamente, Un saludo Cordial, Cordialmente
What must you do on the arguementative essay?
-answer the prompt (directly)
-have own argument and then use sources to support that
-use ALL 3 sources (must do)
-2-3 paragraph, intro, and conclusion
how to score a 4 or 5
elegant vocab
be specific (impresionante en lugar de bueno)
Variety of verb tenses
Effective transitions
INtegrate the sources
Cultural comparison?
can you make presentation to answer a question about culture
strategies for CC?
key words in question
address both parts of the equation
comparison phrases
speak louc and clear
specific and relevant examples
What is a general format for the CC?
opening: Buenos dias, clase. Hoy les voy a compara ——— en mi communidad y una communidad hisbanoblante
Hispanic community
My community
-repeat but with a similarity
-personal annectode?
close: se puede concluir que, al fin y al cabo, gracias por su atención
conversation between a friends, testing conversational skills
-tips: get into chracter, greet person by name, talk in the 20 seconds until you run out of time, vary vocab (creo, pienso, sugiero ((subjunctive cue)), recomiendo que, answer all parts of the question,
read the outline well and track with finger to not lose spot