Belief and Knowledge
set of convictions, values, and viewpoints seen as truth by group- supported by cultural experience
modification of a social of cultural element in a society- might be due to globalization, contact with another culture, or internal dynamics
human created system of symbols, ideas, explanations, beliefs, and material production- is dynamic and includes customs and social structures
one's self view/ how they see them self (moi) or how is seen by others- also how a group sees itself or is seen by others
"the social life of things" (apadurai)- the idea that objects, resources, and belongings have meaning
capacity of a person to manipulate/control other people/ resources- is related to status and has to do with structure and inequalities within groups
social relations
any relationship between two or more people within a network of social relations
how humans organize ourselves into groups/ networks- is sustained by relationships between individuals/groups and can be used to distinguish groups
study of significance ascribed by people to objects- networks of symbols create a cultures web of meaning