Patho Exam 2
cancer word origin
derived from Greek word for crab - karkinoma - another name for malignant tumor
cancer definition
not a tumor, abnormal growth resulting from uncontrolled proliferation, serves no physiologic function , also referred to as neoplasm (new growth)
benign tumors
named according to tissue from which arise + suffix -oma (lipoma - fat , leiomyoma - smooth muscle)
malignant epithelial tumors
carcinomas (adenocarcinoma - ducts or glands)
malignant CT tumors
cancers of lymph tissue
cancers of blood forming cells
benign v malignant tumor
slow growth, well defined capsule, noninvasive, well differentiated, low mitotic index, not metastasize
rapid growth, not encapsulated, invasive, poorly differentiated (anaplasia), high mitotic index, can metastasize (spread distantly)
Carcinoma in situ (CIS)
preinvasive epithelial malignant tumors of glandular or squamous origin, not broken through basement membrane or invaded surrounding stroma, not malignant (yet)
carcinoma in situ prognoses
remain stable for long time
progress to invasive and metastatic
regress and disappear
cancer is predominantly a disease of … because ….
aging, multiple mutations required before can develop
clonal proliferation or expansion
due to mutation, cell acquires characteristics that allow it to have selective advantage over neighbors, increased growth rate / decreased apoptosis
alteration in DNA sequence, effect expression/function of gene; point, driver, passenger types
point mutations
small scale changes
driver mutations
drive progression of cancer
passenger mutations
random events
gene amplification
repeated duplication of chromosome, 10s or 100s of copies made
chromosome translocation
large changes in chromosome structure, piece of one translocated to another
clonal proliferation/expansion
cancer cell progeny accumulate faster than nonmutant neighbors
malignant transformation
process normal cell becomes cancer , heterogenous mix of cancer cells
mutant genes that direct protein synthesis and cell growth in nonmutant state
tumor suppressor genes/ anti-oncogenes
encode proteins that negatively regulate proliferation in normal state
normal nonmutant genes code for cell growth
genetic mechanisms w/ role in human carcinogenesis
activation of proto-oncogenes → hyperactivity of growth related gene products (oncogenes)
mutation of genes resulting in loss/inactivity of tumor suppressor genes
mutation of genes resulting in overexpression of products that prevent apoptosis (allowing continued tumor growth)
caretaker genes
responsible for maintenance of genomic integrity, encode proteins involved in repairing damaged DNA; loss of function leads to increased mutation rates, genomic instability, greater risk of cancer
genomic instability
CIN (chromosome instability) also appear increased in malignant cells, may be due to malfunctions in cell machinery that regulates chromosomal segregation at mitosis; results in high rate chromosomal loss, heterozygosity, chromosomal amplification (each of which can accelerate loss of tumor suppressor genes and overexpression of oncogenes)
cancer cell replication
body cells typically divide only limited number of times - Hayflick limit - and telomeres become smaller and smaller w/ each division ; cancer cells can activate telomeres leading to continued division
neovascularization- new growth of vessels, advanced cancers can secrete angiogenic factors to facilitate feeding tumor - VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor)
cancer metabolism
glycolysis; allows lactate and metabolites to be used for more efficient production lipids etc for rapid growth
inflammation as a cause of cancer
chronic inflamm - important factor in dev
active inflamm - predisposes person bc stimulate wound healing response → proliferation and angiogenesis
susceptible organs - GI tract, pancreas, thyroid, prostate, urinary bladder, pleura, integument
tumor associated macrophage (TAM)
key cell that promotes tumor survival - develops capacity to block cytotoxic T cell and NK functions , produce cytokines advantageous for growth and spread , secretes angiogenesis factors
tumor associated antigens
oncogenes , antigens from oncogenic viruses , oncofetal antigens , altered glycoproteins and glycolipids
active - immunization w/ tumor antigens to elicit/enhance immune response against particular cancer
passive - inject pt dx w/ cancer w/ antibodies or WBCs directed against tumor associated antigens
viruses associated w/ cancer
HPV , EBV , KSHV or HHV8 (kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus) , HTLV-1 (human t cell lymphotropic virus type 1) , HBV (hep b) , HCV (hep c)
metastasis requirements
require cells have many new abilities - spread , survive (travel time) , proliferate (in distant locations) , destination receptive to growth of cancer
local spread , prereq for metastasis (1st step in process) , often spread to regional lymph nodes first then lymph system then distant organs via bloodstream ; requires cancer attach to specific receptors and survive in specific environment
secreted by cancer cells , digest ECM and basement membranes (create pathways to move through)
paraneoplastic syndromes
sx complex triggered by cancer but not caused by direct/local effects of tumor mass , caused by bio substances released from or by immune response triggered by, can be fatal
most severe form malnutrition , leads to protein calorie malnutrition and progressive wasting
manifestations - anorexia , early satiety , weight loss , anemia , asthenia , taste alterations , altered protein lipid carb metabolism
cancer staging
involves size, degree of invasion, and extent of spread
stage 1 - confined to organ of origin
stage 2 - locally invasive
stage 3 - advanced to regional structures
stage 4 - spread to distant sites
tumor markers
substances produced by benign or malignant cells , found on or in tumor cell , in blood , spinal fluid , or urine - hormones, enzymes, genes, antigens, antibodies
used to screen identify individuals high risk for cancer, dx specific types tumors, follow clinical course of cancer
liver and germ cell tumor markers
secrete protein AFP (alpha fetoprotein) into blood
prostate tumor markers
secrete PSA (prostate specific antigen) into blood
tumor markers w/ biologic activity
sx are expressed, phenomenon known as paraneoplastic syndrome occurs
pediatric cancer
most common are central nervous tremors and leukemias, most originate from mesodermal germ layer - give rise to CT, bone cartilage, muscle, blood, BV, gonads, kidneys, lymph system - often dx during peak times physical growth , usually fast growing and metastasized before dx made , higher incidence male than female
adolescent cancers
most common are lymphomas - Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin
embryonic tumors
originate during intrauterine life, immature embryonic tissue unable to mature or differentiate into fully developed cells, commonly named w/ suffix -blast
chromosome aberrations and single gene defects
aneuploidy, amplifications, deletions, translocations ; trisomy 21 linked to leukemia
HPV and cancer
types 16 and 18 cause majority of cancers, infect epithelial cells and mutations lead to cancer, associated w/ cervical and anal cancers, recently associated w/ cancers of oropharynx (soft palate, base of tongue, tonsils)
impact of infection
important contributor to cancer
HPV - cervical cancer
Hep B and C (together) - liver cancer
H. pylori - stomach cancers
EBV - nasopharynx and stomach, Hodgkin disease, non-Hodgkin lymphoma
herpes type 8 - kaposi sarcoma
t-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 - leukemia, lymphoma
ionizing radiation effects
damage to organs w/ high proliferative cells (skin , GI) , alters tumor microenvironment / immune system cells , long term risk of developing other cancers/diseases
associated w/ acute leukemias, increased freq thryoid and breast carcinomas, lung, stomach, colon, esophageal, urinary tract, multiple myeloma
indoor vs outdoor pollution
indoor worse
carcinogen, increase risk oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophageal, liver, colorectal, breast cancers
study of nutrition on phenotypic variability of individuals based on genomic differences