adherent of political conservatism, which favors traditional views and values, limited government, strong national defense, and individualism
Federal Election Commission
independent regulatory agency established to set out financial rules governing campaigns for federal office
adherent of a political philosophy characterized by progressivism, individual and civil liberties and autonomy, and government involvement in assuring equality
a non-extreme individual opposed to radical or extreme views in politics or religion, holding views in the center of the political spectrum
National Convention
a US political party assemblyheld every two to four years to nominate presidential and vice-presidential candidates
political party's beliefs, values and policy positions
Political ideologies
set of ideas reflecting the social and cultural needs of an individual, group, or class
Political party
political office seekers and their supporters that represent common values and goals
Primary election
an election that narrows the number of candidates before an official is elected to an office
communication aimed at influencing a particular attitude or view toward a position or cause
Proportional representation
divisions in an electorate are reflected proportionately in the elected body
The right or privilege to vote
Third Party
political party organized as opposition to the existing parties in a two-party system
Civil liberties
Protections against the government actions
Civil rights
Positive actions of the government should take to create equal and fair treatment for all Americans
Due process
Laws must be applied fairly and equally to all citizens
Miranda vs Arizona
Supreme Court case that concluded in: Any comments said before suspects were informed of their rights are inadmissible in court; the right to remain silent; fifth 5th
Gideon V Wainwright
Supreme Court case that concluded in: Citizens involved in criminal cases have the right to an attorney under the 14th amendment
Escobedo vs Illinois
Supreme Court case that concluded in: Suspect has the right to an attorney during police investigations
One party system
A single political party has the right to form the government
Multiparty system
Multiple parties can run for national elections each with an equal chance
Two party system
Two major parties dominate politics. One holds power and the other is considered the minority
Single issue party
Political party that supports a single idea or issue
Ideological party
Political party that wants a change in society; doesn’t address specific issues
splinter party
Party that moves away from a larger party, but doesn’t last very long usually
Voting district made up of only a few hundred voters
Encompasses several party precincts that joint together at the county level; citizens work together to get their parties elected at county and state levels
State Central committee
Counties send representatives to their ______ ______ ________; at the state level citizens work to ensure their party gets elected at national level of government
National party office
At the state and national level, each party has citizens who work to see their candidates elected into national offices
In the early days of the republic presidential candidates were selected for elections and other high offices during organized meetings. The meeting place is the _______
Nominating convention
A party selects their nominee for president and states their platform every 4 years
Petition method
An individuals name printed on a ballot that requires a large number of petition signatures to get there
Mass media
an outside factor that can influence voters that can present people and news in a different lights
Political, action, committees
Outside influence on voters that raises money for the support of political campaigns
Interest groups
____ _____ Express their wants and needs to politicians in Congress, educate and provide information to politicians about beliefs on an issue, right and deliver bills to politicians, using media to convey politicians views, draft letters to encourage members to write politicians about issues
1965 Voting Rights Act
Made poll taxes and literally tests to vote illegal