What are the four basic elements believed by the Greeks in the evolution of chemistry?
Air, Fire, Water, Earth.
What does the scientific method involve?
Methodical exploration of nature followed by logical explanations of observations.
What is the initial, tentative proposal of a scientific principle called?
What is the difference between a theory and a law in science?
A theory explains the behavior of nature while a law describes measurable relationships.
In the scientific method, what is a natural law?
A statement that describes a measurable relationship.
What are the four branches of chemistry?
Organic chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Biochemistry, Green chemistry.
What is the Hall–Hèroult process?
The industrial process for obtaining aluminum metal from aluminum ore.
Why is knowledge of chemistry important?
It is essential for understanding the world around us.
What is the role of experiments in the scientific method?
To test hypotheses under controlled conditions.
What is the significance of salt in history?
Salt was once so valuable that it was used to pay Roman soldiers.