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nationalism, dictatorships, control, classism, terror
no private entities, control, worldwide spread, no classifications
rise of nazi germany
outlaw of political parties, ultranationalism, propaganda, boycott of jewish stores, riots, book burnings, jews fired
rise of soviet union
great purge, communism, propaganda, sec forces, gap between wealthy and poor, strikes, bolsheviks take over, secret police
failure of weimar republic (econ crisis germany)
political movements against, ww1 econ devastation, unemployment hunger and poverty, division of govt
nationalist socialist party promised… (econ crisis germany)
put ppl to work, unite germans, create strong gov, regain lost territories
econ crisis ussr
econ plans, culture highly restricted (lib arts), agriculture and industry forced centralization
nazi ideology
nazifies the church, jewish race biggest threat, eugenics
nazi methods of control
state of emergency (no rights of press speech assembly), censorship and propaganda, nuremburg laws, hitler youth, nazi govs appointed
nazi violence
1000s become SAs, SS (schutzstaffel) elite troopers, gestapo (non uniformed police)
nazi support and opposition
dachau CC for political opps
soviet ideology
abolition of priv ownership, 5 years plans, industrial power
soviet control
secret police, economy under state control, prop and censorship
soviet violence
gulags, great purges
hyperinflation in germany
loaf of bread 4.2 to 4.2 b in 4 years, savings wiped out, unemployment skyrockets (0.75m to 6m), leads to radical ideology
territorial expansion for the German people (claiming they needed more living space)
nazi racism
aryans culture creating, middles culture maintaining, jews and untermenschen culture destroying, accuses jews of killing off the pure german race
sa- sturm abteilung, military parades, organized and disciplined
mass demonstrations
organized to create feeling of political support
simple slogans that catch attention and convince
reichstag fire
arson attack on the Reichstag building in Berlin in 1933, allegedly nazis, long run doesnt matter
night of long knives
1934, purge of hitlers political opps, led by SA
nuremburg laws
german blood to be citizen, jews lose citizenship, cannot acquire visa to leave germany
hitler youth
appeal the nazis to children, integrated into SA groups, promoted aryanism
nov 9-10, 1938, 30k jewish men taken to ccs, 1 mass arrest, 1 billion reichmark atonement tax ordered
reign of terror and great purges
1000s deported to gulag, secret police, purges in gov industry military culture, ½ of officers arrested or executed, by 38 millions arrested executed or exiled
1st 5 year plan (industrialization, trade unions converted into uses for productivity, shortages of cosumer goods and inflation), 2nd 5 year plan (attention on consumer goods), 3rd 5 year plan (shift to armament production)
mobilization of society
order and discipline, arts and literature under control, sciences had to be marxist, education, religion persecuted
ukrainian famine
holodomor, 32-33, 3.5-7m deaths, starvation of population (took their grain), 4k rebellions, decimation of population, destruction of ukr orthodox churches