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The AED gives "no shock" message to a patient who is in cardiac arrest. You should?
resume chest compressions
Which interventions would have the MOST positive impact on a cardiac arrest patient's outcome?
Early CPR and defibrillation
What is the max amount of time that should be spent checking for spontaneous breathing in an unresponsive child?
10 seconds
When performing CPR on an adult, you should compress the chest to a depth of ____ at a rate of _____?
2.0-2.4 in, 100-120 BPM
What is the appropriate compression to ventillation ratio for adult two-rescuer CPR?
A 54 year old complains of chest tightness after raking leaves for an hour. The pain subsided after rest and two nitro. He has had very similiar episodes in the past. He is most likely experiencing?
Angina Pectoris
At what rate should single rescuer CPR be performed for a 17 year old female?
120 per min
A 40 year old patient with a history of coronary artery disease recent mastectomy is complaining of chest discomfort. Vitals are P 120, R 22 and BP 80/54. you should suspect?3
Cardiogenic shock3
Nitroglycerin is a medication that is typically administered?1
A patient was struck by lighting, you should suspect?
an irregular heartbeat
DUring CPR which of the following is most importnat?
minimal interruptions during compressions
A buildup of calcium and cholestrol lform plaque inside a blood vessel which would most likely be the cause?
ACS acute coronary syndrome
During the Primary Assessment a 57 year old female says she has chest pain and points to her epigastric area? What should you do?
Obtain vital signs
What is the cause of heart failure?
Inadequcation ejection of blood from the ventricles
What valve controls blood flow between the left atrium and left ventricle?
mitral valve
Which patient is most likely to benefit from an AED?
54 year old choking patient who becomes unresponsive with no carotid pulse
What action does aspirin have in the body that makes it beneficial for patients experiencing an AMI?
prevents platets from clotting
Which vessels regulate regional blood flow to the capillary bodies?
Which of the following is the largest artery in the body?
systolic blood pressure measures which of the following?
ventricular contraction
the pulmonary artery carries?
deoxygenated blood away from the heart
What is the muscular middle layer of the heart?
Which electrical cardiac disturbance will an AED shock?
During CPR why is the upstroke of the compression critical?
allows blood to fill the heart chamber
After blood has been oxygenated it returns to the heart by entering the ?
Left atrium
During adult CPR you should compress the chest ?
at least 2 inches
You just arrived at a scene of a 75 year old male with weakness and chest pain. He has not taken his prescribed medications of Nitro, aspirin, and atenolol. You should?
Contact medical control to assist the patient with nitro
A 62 year old patient complains of chest pain and lightheadedness. Vitals are 88/56, 126, and 18. What is the best position for this patient?
EMRs hav been performing effective CPR on a patient in cardiac arrest. Upon arrival the AED indicates "shock advised" What should you do?
Defibrillate the patient
Asthmatic 50 year old patient is sitting at her desk. She is anxious and complaining of tightness in her chest. You should?
assis with prescribed inhaler
A 48 year old patients complains of difficulty breathing, patient's history reveals an acute myocardial infarction 8 months ago, vital signs are 144/86, 110, and 24, auscultation reveals crackles in the lung bases. You should suspect?
pulmonary edema
After an AED has analyzed a patient, the machine states "shock advised." The most likely cause is
ventricular tachycardia
The vessels that supply the myocardium are called?
coronary arteries
An 80 year old male presents with shortness of breath, fatigue, peripheral edema, and jugular vein distention. Breath sounds reveal crackles and rhonchi. The most likely cause is?
Congestive Heart Failure
You shocked a patient back into normal rhythm with an AED. During transport, the patient becomes cyanotic and pulseless. What should you do?
Start CPR and request EMS unit to stop
A patient compllains of chest pain radiating to both of his shoulders after dinner. He is pale, diaphoretic and slightly short of breath. The pain worsens with a deep breath. Vital signs are BP 150/90, P 120 and irregular, R 20. You should suspect?
Myocardial Infarction
A 57 year old female developed severe weakness and mild shortness of breath while shoveling snow. She is diaphoretic and complaining of nausea and jaw pain. You should suspect?
Acute myocardial infarction
you are in an airport and see an adult collapse. As you get the AED from the wall, a bystander starts CPR. If indicated, you should deliver your first shock:
as soon as possible on arrival at the patient's side
Within two minutes of assisting your patient with his third nitroglycerin tablet, he complains of dizziness and becomes sweaty. Radial pulses are present, rapid, and weak. You should suspect that the
nitro caused vasodilation and decreased perfusion
A patient has been in cardiac arrest for seven minutes after being struck by lighting?
Check ABC's
A 60 year old patient is short of breath and cyanotic. Lung sounds reveal crackles and you note accessory muscle use. You should suspect
Left Sided Heart Failure
In an adult, a pulse rate of 50 is called
A patient complains of chest pain radiating to both of his shoulders after dinner. He is pale, diaphoretic and slightly short of breath. The pain worsens with a deep breath. Vital signs are BP 150/90, P 120 and irregular, R 20. You should suspect
What is the primary action of nitro
dilates coronary arteries
CPR has been ongoing for ten minutes on a papatient in cardiac arrest. An AED has just been applied and is ready to analyze. You should
continue CPR until a shock is advised
Which of the following is a sign or symptoms of cariogenic shock?
Progressive hypotension
What best describes PEA?
Organized electrical activity without a pulse (pulseless electrical activity)
If the heart lacks enough power to pump the proper volume of blood through the circulatory system, it is known as
Cariogenic Shock
A 69 year old male is lying in his bed and complains of chest pain. During your assessment he becomes unresponsive and pulseless. What should you do?
Move him onto a hard surface
A sudden, severe increase in blood pressure is called?
hypertensive crisis
A 36 year old female complains of chest pain. She is conscious and alert with an SpO2 of 93%. You should
administer oxygen via nasal cannula at 4 lpm
A 76 year old female is sitting in a tripod position complaining of abdominal discomfort, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. She has taken 2 nitro tablets with relief. You should suspect?
Myocardial Infarction
You observe an older male slump to the floor. He is pulseless. What should you do??
Immediately start chest compressions
A 73 year old female has chest pain and shortness of breath with bilateral crackles. Vital signs are P 80/40, P 112, R 22. What is the most likely cause? 2
Cardiogenic shock 2
A 44year old female awakened with shortness of breath complaining of indigestion, epigastric pressure. Antacids didn't help. You should suspect?
Gastroesophangeal reflux disease
You have just defibrillated a patient who now has a pulse and effective respirations. In which position should you place him?
A 48 year old male complains of 8/10 crushing chest pain that radiates to his neck. Vital signs are BP 112/78, P 60, R 18. The patients daily medication include Metoprolol, Cialis, and aspirin. What should you do?
Transport rapidly in a postion of comfort to the closest facility.
An oriented 78 year old female with pale. moist skin is complaining of indigestion. Vital signs are BP 180/90, P 116 and irregular, R 24 and regular. You should suspect
Myocardial Infarction
While performing chest compressions, you should
position your shoulders over your hands
A 64 year old patient states "I feel like I am about to die." Nitro and oxygen have not decreased her chest pain. Vital signs are BP 90/60, P 60, R 24. You should
transport immediately
A 66 year old female called EMS for chest pain. Prior to calling she took three does of her prescribed sublingual nitro with no relief. What should you do?
Administer Oxygen
A cardiac arrest patient has been "down" for six minutes without any care Shat should you do?
Start chest compressions
A 67 year old male with a history of asthma complains of chest tightness and shortness of breath. He took one nitro tablets with out relief. He is pale and sweaty with an SpO2 of 76%. What should you do?
Administer oxygen by non-rebreather mask
A patient who collapsed has been revived following one shock with an AED. She is now moaning and breathing on her own. What should you do?
Turn her to her side and monitor her airway
A 36 year old female with a history of congenital heart defects is slow to respond. She has pale, cool, and clammy skin. Vital signs are BP 68/30, P 128, R 26. What should you suspect?
Cardiogenic Shock
When do the coronary arteries fill with blood?
A 68 year old female with a cardiac history is complaining of shortness of breath. Auscultation reveals crackles bilaterally. You should suspect
A child is in cardiac arrest with an unknown down time. What should you do?
Perform CPR while attaching an AED
Blood enters the right atrium from the
vena cava
An 84 year old male with a history of "heart problems" complains of chest pain. The chest pain started 30 minutes ago while at rest. Vital signs are BP 110/70, P 92, R 20, SpO2 95%. What should you do?
Assist the patient with his prescribed nitro
A 38 year old female with a history of congenital heart defects is slow to respond. She has pale, cool, and clammy skin. Vital signs are BP 68/30, P 128, R 26. What should you suspect? 1
Cardiogenic Shock 1
A patient complaining of substernal chest pain with radiating pain to his neck and jaw. The pain is not relieved with rest. You should suspect?
Acute myocardial infarction
A 46 year old male is in cardiac arrest. You administer one shock, and at the 2 minute pulse check, you feel a strong carotid pulse. What should you do?
Assess breathing and manage airway if necessary
A 49 year old male with a history of heart problems complains of chest pressure and shortness of breath. You should assist him in taking his prescribed nitro if he
complains of a headache and has a BP of 132/90
A patient presents with a sudden onset of tearing chest pain, absent radial pulse on the right arm, and a history of high blood pressure. You should suspect
aortic dissection
Chronic hypertension in adults typically begins at a pressure of higher than