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Anavysos Kouros: Archaic greek: Marble w remnant of paint
Peplos Core from the Acropolis: Archaic Greek: Marble, painted details
Doryphoros (spear bearer): Roman copy of greek original: polykleitos: Marble
Grave Stele of Hegeso:Killimachos: Marble and paint
winged victory of samothrace: hellenistic Greek: marble
Seated boxer:Hellenistic Greek:Bronze
Alexander Mosaic from the House of Faun, Pompeii: Republican Roman: Pompeii: Mosaic
Athenian agora: archaic through hellenistic Greek: Athens, Greece: plan
Acropolis:Iktinos and Kallikrates : Athens, Greece: Marble
Acropolis:Iktinos and Kallikrates : Athens, Greece: Marble: Partenon
Acropolis:Iktinos and Kallikrates : Athens, Greece: Marble:pediment
Acropolis:Iktinos and Kallikrates : Athens, Greece: Marble:pan-atheanic freize
Acropolis:Iktinos and Kallikrates : Athens, Greece: Marble: temple of Athena-Nike
Acropolis:Iktinos and Kallikrates : Athens, Greece: Marble: Nike Adjusting her sandal
Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon:Hellenistic Greek: Asia Minor(modern Turkey): marble (architecture and structure)
The Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater): Imperial Rome: Rome, Italy: Stone and concrete
Forum of Trajan: Apollodarus of Domascus: Rome, Italy: Forum and concrete (architecture) and marble (column)
Forum of Trajan: Apollodarus of Domascus: Rome, Italy: Forum and concrete (architecture) and marble (column)
Forum of Trajan: Apollodarus of Domascus: Rome, Italy: Forum and concrete (architecture) and marble (column)
Forum of Trajan: Apollodarus of Domascus: Rome, Italy: Forum and concrete (architecture) and marble (column)
Pantheon: Imperial Roman: Concrete w stone carving: Rome, Italy
Pantheon: Imperial Roman: Concrete w stone carving: Rome, Ital
House of the Vettii: Imperial Roman, 2nd Century: Pompeii, Italy: cut stone and fresco
House of the Vettii: Imperial Roman, 2nd Century: Pompeii, Italy: cut stone and fresco
House of the Vettii: Imperial Roman, 2nd Century: Pompeii, Italy: cut stone and fresco
Head of a Roman Patrician:Republican Roman: Marble
Augustus of Prima Porta: Imperial Roman: Marble: Early 1st Century CE
Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus: Late Imperial Roman: Marble
Niobides Krater: the Niobid Painter: Classical Greek: Clay red-figure technique (white highlights)
Sarcophagus of the Spouses: Etruscan: terra cotta
Tomb of the Triclinium: Etruscan: Tarqunia, Italy: Tufa and fresco
Temple of Minerva and sculpture of Apollo: Master Sculptor Vulca: Veii (near Rome): temple- wood, mud brick, or tufa (volcanic rock); terra cotta sculpture
Temple of Minerva and sculpture of Apollo: Master Sculptor Vulca: Veii (near Rome): temple- wood, mud brick, or tufa (volcanic rock); terra cotta sculpture
Treasury and Great Temple: Nabataean and Ptolemaic and Roman: Petra, Jordan: Cut rock
Treasury and Great Temple: Nabataean and Ptolemaic and Roman: Petra, Jordan: Cut rock
Treasury and Great Temple: Nabataean and Ptolemaic and Roman: Petra, Jordan: Cut rock