A fibrous material harvested from a vine in Indonesia.
Calamus rotang
The vine from which reed is harvested.
Flat Reed
Reed that is cut to be flat on both sides. It has a rough and smooth side. The name is given by the width measurement.
Flat Oval Reed
Reed that is cut to be flat on the rough side and rounded on the smooth side. The name is given by the width measurement.
Round Reed
Reed that is cut to be round all the way around. There is no smooth or rough side. The name is given by numbers.
A braided fiber used to hide the folded spokes between the rim.
Packing Tool
A small metal tool with a handle used for moving reed closer together and lifting reed woven into the basket.
Craft Cutters
A tool used to cut reed and other fibrous material.
Flat reed that makes up the vertical pieces in the basket.
Flat reed that makes up the horizontal pieces in a basket.
A basketry technique in which two horizontal strands cross over each other between vertical strands.
Reed used for "sewing" the rim together.
The reed placed along the top of the basket which covers the twining.