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Which of the following would increase the rate of blood flow through a blood vessel? Select one: a. constriction of the blood vessel b. decreased radius of the vessel c. increased viscosity of the blood d. increased pressure of the blood entering the vessel e. increased length of the vessel

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Which of the following would increase the rate of blood flow through a blood vessel? Select one: a. constriction of the blood vessel b. decreased radius of the vessel c. increased viscosity of the blood d. increased pressure of the blood entering the vessel e. increased length of the vessel

d. increased pressure of the blood entering the vessel

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  1. Which of the following is NOT altered within seconds to minutes of the baroreceptor reflex being activated? Select one: a. heart rate b. activity of the sympathetic nervous system c. total peripheral resistance d. blood volume e. stroke volume

d. blood volume

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  1. The ________ carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs. Select one: a. pulmonary artery b. pulmonary vein c. superior vena cava d. aorta e. inferior vena cava

a. pulmonary artery

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  1. As mean arterial pressure increases, the ________, informing the medulla oblongata in the brain that blood pressure has indeed increased. Select one: a. number of neurons stimulated within the aortic arch increases b. frequency of action potentials from the baroreceptors increases c. blood flow to the brain increases d. amplitude of the action potentials from the baroreceptors increases e. number of sympathetic neurons activated decreases

b. frequency of action potentials from the baroreceptors increases

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  1. Which of the following structures contains high pressure baroreceptors? Select one: a. aortic arch only b. both the aortic arch and carotid sinus c. aortic arch, right atrium, and carotoid sinus d. right atrium only e. carotoid sinus only

b. both the aortic arch and carotid sinus

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  1. The ________ carries oxygenated blood to the left side of the heart. Select one: a. superior vena cava b. aorta c. inferior vena cava d. pulmonary vein e. pulmonary artery

d. pulmonary vein

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  1. Resistance to blood flow is regulated primarily at what level? Select one: a. arteries b. capillaries c. arterioles d. ventricle e. veins

c. arterioles

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  1. The lumen of every blood vessel is lined by a monolayer of ________. Select one: a. erythrocytes b. fibroblasts c. platelets d. smooth muscle cells e. endothelial cells

e. endothelial cells

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  1. During isovolumetric relaxation, _____. Select one: a. the AV and semilunar valves are open and ventricular pressure is increasing b. the AV and semilunar valves are closed and ventricular pressure is increasing c. the AV and semilunar valves are closed and ventricular pressure is decreasing d. the AV valves are open, the semilunar valves are closed, and ventricular pressure is decreasing e. the AV and semilunar valves are open and ventricular pressure is decreasing

c. the AV and semilunar valves are closed and ventricular pressure is decreasing

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  1. The stimulus for closure of the atrioventricular valve is ________. Select one: a. contraction of the atrium b. when pressure inside the ventricle is greater than pressure inside the atrium c. when pressure inside the ventricle is less than pressure inside the atrium d. contraction of the atrioventricular valve e. contraction of the papillary muscle

b. when pressure inside the ventricle is greater than pressure inside the atrium

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  1. Blood is ejected from the left ventricle once pressure within ________. Select one: a. the ventricle is greater than pressure within the pulmonary artery b. the ventricle is greater than pressure within the aorta c. the ventricle is less than pressure within the aorta d. the muscles of the pulmonary semilunar valve relax e. the ventricle is less than pressure within the pulmonary artery

b. the ventricle is greater than pressure within the aorta

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  1. Which of the following is an INACCURATE description of autonomic innervation of the cardiovascular system? Select one: a. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons innervate the SA and AV nodes. b. At rest, there is stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system and inhibition of the sympathetic nervous system. c. Sympathetic activity increases cardiac output, whereas parasympathetic activity decreases cardiac output. d. Capillaries do not receive innervation from sympathetic and paraympathetic nerves. e. Sympathetic nervous system activation releases acetylcholine onto receptors within the SA and AV nodes.

e. Sympathetic nervous system activation releases acetylcholine onto receptors within the SA and AV nodes.

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  1. Ejection of blood from the right ventricle will continue until ________. Select one: a. pressure in the aorta is less than pressure in the right ventricle b. pressure in the pulmonary artery is greater than pressure in the right ventricle c. the pulmonary semilunar valve contracts, inducing closure d. pressure in the pulmonary artery is less than pressure in the right ventricle e. pressure in the aorta is greater than pressure in the right ventricle

b. pressure in the pulmonary artery is greater than pressure in the right ventricle

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  1. Which of the following equations correctly relates flow, pressure, and resistance? Select one: a. Flow = Pressure + Resistance b. Flow = Pressure × Resistance c. Pressure = Flow × Resistance d. Flow = Pressure - Resistance e. Resistance = Flow × Pressure

c. Pressure = Flow × Resistance

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  1. The driving force for blood flow through the systemic circuit is ________. Select one: a. capillary hydrostatic pressure b. central venous pressure c. mean arterial pressure d. left ventricular pressure e. right atrial pressure

c. mean arterial pressure

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  1. Which of the following chambers has the thickest musculature? Select one: a. left ventricle b. right atrium c. right ventricle d. both ventricles have equal thickness and are thicker than the atria e. left atrium

a. left ventricle

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  1. The circumflex artery branches directly off the: Select one: a. left anterior descending artery b. aorta c. right main coronary artery d. left main coronary artery e. right anterior descending artery

d. left main coronary artery

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  1. Baroreceptors respond to ________, which is/are altered by mean arterial pressure. Select one: a. the compressive forces of pressure against the nerve endings b. the changes in stretch of the blood vessel wall c. the rate that blood is flowing past the nerves d. the partial pressure of oxygen within the blood e. the metabolic byproducts formed within blood vessel walls

b. the changes in stretch of the blood vessel wall

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  1. If blood pressure abruptly increases and the baroreceptor reflex is activated, which of the following statements is FALSE: Select one: a. there is further inhibition of the sympathetic nervous system b. there is a decrease in stroke volume c. there is less constriction of the arterioles d. there is an increase in heart contractility e. there is increased activation of the parasympathetic nervous system

d. there is an increase in heart contractility

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  1. Which of the following equations is correct? Select one: a. mean arterial pressure = resistance × viscosity b. cardiac output = mean arterial pressure × total peripheral resistance c. mean arterial pressure = cardiac output × stroke volume d. cardiac output = stroke volume × heart rate e. resistance = (length × radius x 4) / viscosity

d. cardiac output = stroke volume × heart rate

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  1. An increase in total peripheral resistance, in the absence of any change in cardiac output, would ________. Select one: a. elevate pulmonary venous pressure b. elevate central venous pressure c. reduce mean arterial pressure d. elevate mean arterial pressure e. reduce the stretch on the aorta

d. elevate mean arterial pressure

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  1. The primary mechanism for exchange of substances across the capillary wall is ________. Select one: a. vesicle transport b. bulk flow c. active transport d. mediated transport e. diffusion

e. diffusion

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  1. What region of the cardiovascular system contains valves? Select one: a. metarterioles only b. heart only c. both the heart and veins d. the heart, metarterioles, and veins e. veins only

c. both the heart and veins

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  1. What is occurring during ventricular ejection? Select one: a. the AV and semilunar valves are closed as ventricular pressure is increasing b. the AV valves are open and the semilunar valves are closed as blood is leaving the ventricles c. the AV and semilunar valves are open as blood is leaving the ventricles d. the AV valves are open and the semilunar valves are closed as ventricular pressure is increasing e. the AV valves are closed and the semilunar valves are open as blood is leaving the ventricles

e. the AV valves are closed and the semilunar valves are open as blood is leaving the ventricles

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  1. Net capillary fluid filtration is enhanced by: Select one: a. Increased precapillary resistance b. Increased tissue hydrostatic pressure c. Decreased capillary plasma osmotic pressure d. Decreased venous pressure e. a and b

c. Decreased capillary plasma osmotic pressure

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  1. The contractile activity of smooth muscle cells within ________ is primarily involved in the control of the organ blood flow and mean arterial pressure. Select one: a. veins b. capillaries c. venules d. arteries e. arterioles

e. arterioles

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  1. In comparison to the systemic circuit, the pulmonary circuit ________. Select one: a. is under greater pressure b. transports deoxygenated blood c. has lower resistance to blood flow d. has lower blood flow e. has an equal pressure gradient to drive blood flow

c. has lower resistance to blood flow

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  1. At rest, the greatest proportion of blood volume is present within the ________. Select one: a. systemic veins b. heart c. pulmonary veins d. systemic arteries e. systemic capillaries

a. systemic veins

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  1. In the circulatory system, the largest pressure drop occurs across ________. Select one: a. arterioles b. venules c. capillaries d. arteries e. Veins

a. arterioles

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  1. The blood vessels of largest diameter are the _; the blood vessels with the thickest walls are the _. Select one: a. veins : veins b. arteries : arterioles c. arteries : arteries d. veins : arteries e. arteries : veins

d. veins : arteries

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At rest, the greatest proportion of blood volume is present within the ________. Select one:

a. systemic veins b. heart c. pulmonary veins d. systemic capillaries e. systemic arteries

a. systemic veins

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Baroreceptors respond to ________, which is/are altered by mean arterial pressure. Select one:

a. the rate that blood is flowing past the nerves b. the compressive forces of pressure against the nerve endings c. the changes in stretch of the blood vessel wall d. the partial pressure of oxygen within the blood e. the metabolic by products formed within blood vessel walls

c. the changes in stretch of the blood vessel wall

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Blood is ejected from the left ventricle once pressure within________. Select one:

a. the ventricle is greater than pressure within the pulmonary artery b. the muscles of the pulmonary semilunar valve relax c. the ventricle is less than pressure within the pulmonary artery d. the ventricle is less than pressure within the aorta e. the ventricle is greater than pressure within the aorta

e. the ventricle is greater thanpressure within the aorta

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The circumflex artery branches directly off the: Select one:

a. left anterior descending artery b. aorta c. left coronary artery d. right anterior descending artery e. right coronary artery

c. left coronary artery

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The contractile activity of smooth muscle cells within ________ is primarily involved in the control of the organ blood flow and mean arterial pressure. Select one:

a. arterioles b. arteries c. veins d. capillaries e. venules

a. arterioles

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During isovolumetric relaxation, _____. Select one:

a. the AV valves are open, the semilunar valves are closed, and ventricular pressure is decreasing b. the AV and semilunar valves are closed and ventricular pressure is decreasing c. the AV and semilunar valves are closed and ventricular pressure is increasing d. the AV and semilunar valves are open and ventricular pressure is increasing e. the AV and semilunar valves are open and ventricular pressure is decreasing

b. the AV and semilunar valves are closed and ventricular pressure is decreasing

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If blood pressure abruptly increases and the baroreceptor reflex is activated, which of the following statements is FALSE: Select one:

a. there is a decrease in stroke volume b. there is increased activation of the parasympathetic nervous system c. there is further inhibition of the sympathetic nervous system d. there is less constriction of the arterioles e. there is an increase in heart contractility

e. there is an increase in heart contractility

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An increase in the volume of blood ejected from the heart, with no change in total peripheral resistance, would ________. Select one:

a. elevate mean arterial pressure b. elevate central venous pressure c. reduce the stretch on the aorta d. reduce mean arterial pressure e. elevate pulmonary venous pressure

e. elevate pulmonary venous pressure

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The lumen of every blood vessel is lined by a monolayer of ________. Select one:

a. erythrocytes b. fibroblasts c. smooth muscle cells d. endothelial cells e. platelets

d. endothelial cells

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Net capillary fluid filtration is enhanced by: Select one:

a. Increased precapillary resistance b. Increased tissue hydrostatic pressure c. Decreased capillary plasma osmotic pressure d. Decreased venous pressure e. a and b

c. Decreased capillary plasma osmotic pressure

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Choose the correct order in which blood would make contact with the following structures as it traveled from the left atrium through the blood vessels and back to the right atrium.

  1. Abdominal aorta

  2. Ascending arteries

  3. Inferior vena cava

  4. Hepatic artery

  5. Superior vena cava

  6. Left ventricle

  7. Ascending veins

5, 7, 3, 1, 6, 4, 2 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 6 4, 3, 2, 7, 6, 1 6, 1, 4, 7, 3

6, 1, 4, 7, 3

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The first branch off the aorta represents which blood vessel(s)?

Hepatic artery Pulmonary artery Coronary arteries Superior vena cava

Coronary arteries

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A patient is given a β1 receptor agonist. What would you expect to find?

Decreased heart rate and increased cardiac output Increased heart rate and decreased cardiac output Decreased heart rate and decreased cardiac output Increased heart rate and increased cardiac output

Increased heart rate and increased cardiac output

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Through which valve must blood pass as it moves from the right atrium to the right ventricle?

Mitral Tricuspid Aortic Bicuspid


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Calcium ions are removed from the sarcoplasm of the cardiac cell by the action of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+-ATPase pump and which other mechanism?

ATP hydrolysis Troponin binding Ryanodine receptor channels on the SR membrane Sodium-calcium exchanger on the sarcolemma

Sodium-calcium exchanger on the sarcolemma

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A patient has a problem with the capillaries in the kidneys. Which of the following could be affected?

Dissipation of heat Gases in blood Excretion of metabolic wastes Nutrients in blood

Excretion of metabolic wastes

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Your instructor announces a pop quiz. Which would you expect?

Increased sympathetic signaling and decreased cardiac output Increased parasympathetic signaling and increased cardiac output Increased parasympathetic signaling and decreased cardiac output Increased sympathetic signaling and increased cardiac output

Increased sympathetic signaling and increased cardiac output

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On a Wiggers diagram, there are two points where the line representing aortic pressure crosses the line representing left ventricular pressure (labeled A and B, respectively, on Figure 14.19). What happens at these two points?

Each point is the beginning of a systolic contraction. Each point is the end of an isovolumic period. Each point is the beginning of an isovolumic period. The aortic valve opens or closes

The aortic valve opens or closes.

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On a pressure-volume loop (Fig. 14.18b), how would stroke volume be determined?

It is the highest point on the loop. Subtract EDV from ESV. Subtract the lowest pressure from the highest pressure. It is the value of the right-hand vertical line.

Subtract EDV from ESV.

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Which blood vessels allow blood to move directly from the arterial to the venous circulation?

Metarterioles Collateral arteries Venules Precapillary sphincters


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Which is the correct relationship among pressure, flow, and resistance?

Flow is directly proportional to change in pressure and inversely proportional to resistance. Flow is directly proportional to change in both pressure and resistance. Flow is inversely proportional to change in both pressure and resistance. Flow is inversely proportional to change in pressure and directly proportional to resistance.

Flow is directly proportional to change in pressure and inversely proportional to resistance.

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What effect would an increase in blood volume have on the resistance to blood flow?

Resistance would increase, because the increased volume would stretch the arteries to a greater degree. Resistance would increase, because more blood would be harder to push through the vessels. Resistance would decrease, since the greater volume would cause the veins to stretch more. There would be no effect; blood volume and resistance to blood flow are not directly linked.

There would be no effect; blood volume and resistance to blood flow are not directly linked.

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Hours after a surgery, a patient is taken for a walk around the hospital floor. What effect would an increase in venous return have on mean arterial pressure?

It would increase it, by increasing total peripheral resistance. It would increase it, by shifting blood from the veins into the arteries. It would decrease it, by keeping blood in the veins. The veins do not have any effect on MAP.

It would increase it, by shifting blood from the veins into the arteries.

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What causes active hyperemia?

The production of NO and O2 by tissues causes vasoconstriction due to enhanced vascular smooth muscle contraction. Increased metabolism results in a local increase in CO2. Occluded blood flow causes a dramatic drop in tissue O2 and high levels of CO2 and H+, causing endothelial cells to release NO. Blood loss causes skeletal muscle hypoxia, which leads to adenosine release and vasodilation.

Increased metabolism results in a local increase in CO2.

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At rest, the majority of blood flows through the __________. (See Figure 15.12.)

liver and digestive tract brain kidneys heart

liver and digestive tract

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If there were a sudden increase in blood volume, what would the baroreceptors do, and what would be the effect of that reflex?

Increase firing rate; decreased myocardial contractility Increase firing rate; increased myocardial contractility Decrease firing rate; decreased myocardial contractility Decrease firing rate; decreased heart rate

Increase firing rate; decreased myocardial contractility

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If the radius of a tube decreases by half, what will happen to the resistance to fluid flow?

Resistance will double. Resistance will increase 16 times. Resistance will decrease 16 times. Resistance will decrease by half.

Resistance will increase 16 times.

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In which of the following tube would the flow be the highest? Tube 1: beginning pressure = 25 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg); ending pressure = 1 mm Hg Tube 2: total hydrostatic pressure = 24 mm Hg Tube 3: beginning pressure = 100 mm Hg; ending pressure = 78 mm Hg

Tube 1, because the pressure gradient is the highest Tubes 1 and 2 Tube 3, because it has the greatest initial pressure The answer cannot be determined from the information given.

Tube 1, because the pressure gradient is the highest

Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure exerted on the walls, not the pressure causing flow.

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Which blood vessels have the lowest blood pressure?

Arteries Capillaries Venules Veins


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What is the mechanism by which bulk flow occurs at the capillaries?

Relatively higher hydrostatic pressure on the arterial end of the capillary and relatively higher colloid osmotic pressure on the venous end

Colloid osmotic pressure forces fluid out of the capillary.

The mechanism for bulk flow at the capillary is either simple diffusion or vesicular transport.

Relatively higher colloid osmotic pressure on the arterial end of the capillary and relatively higher hydrostatic pressure on the venous end

Relatively higher hydrostatic pressure on the arterial end of the capillary and relatively higher colloid osmotic pressure on the venous end

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If a person's lymph vessels suddenly vanished (an impossible scenario), what impact would this have on the circulatory system?

Blood pressure would decrease. Blood volume would increase. It would not have any impact on the circulatory system, since the question involves lymph and not blood. Blood pressure would increase.

Blood pressure would decrease.

Lymph vessels pick up fluid from interstitial tissue and return it to the circulatory system.

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First -> Last Element Depolarized

SA node Internodal pathways AV node AV bundle bundle branches Purkinje fibers

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Which of these structures conduct(s) action potentials the slowest?

Purkinje fibers AV node Bundle branches AV bundle

AV node

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The anatomy of the intrinsic conduction system causes contraction of the ventricles to begin at the apex and move superiorly. Why is this important?

so the atria can finish contracting before the ventricles contract

because the Purkinje fibers conduct action potentials away from the heart apex

because the AV bundle is the only electrical connection between the atria and the ventricles

so blood is forced upward, toward the semilunar valves

so blood is forced upward, toward the semilunar valves

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A person notices his or her heart beat because he or she senses blood being pumped by the heart. Excessive caffeine intake can lead to irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias) that patients perceive as "skipped beats." Given that caffeine is a stimulant, which of the following mechanisms best explains the reason for the feeling that the heart skipped a beat?

Action potentials are not delayed sufficiently at the AV node.

Purkinje fibers initiate spontaneous action potentials, which cause the ventricles to contract early.

Action potentials propagate into the ventricles before the contractile cells have repolarized from the previous heartbeat.

Spontaneous action potentials in the SA node overlap such that the repolarizing phase of one action potential cancels out the depolarizing phase of the next.

Purkinje fibers initiate spontaneous action potentials, which cause the ventricles to contract early.

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An increase in sympathetic stimulation of the heart would increase stroke volume by increasing __________.

end diastolic volume end systolic volume heart rate contractility


sympathetic stimulation does increase HR but reduces EDV

Increased sympathetic activity increases heart contractility. This causes cardiac fibers to contract more forcefully at all levels of preload. Regardless of end diastolic volume, this mechanism increases stroke volume by reducing end systolic volume.

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Standing up increases heart rate

True or False?


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What causes the aortic semilunar valve to close?

greater pressure in the aorta than in the left ventricle equal ventricular and aortic pressures higher ventricular pressure than aortic pressure

greater pressure in the aorta than in the left ventricle

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Put the phases of the cardiac cycle in the correct order, starting after ventricular filling.

isovolumetric relaxation, ventricular ejection, isovolumetric contraction

ventricular ejection, ventricular relaxation, isovolumetric contraction

ventricular ejection, isovolumetric contraction, isovolumetric relaxation

isovolumetric contraction, ventricular ejection, isovolumetric relaxation

isovolumetric contraction, ventricular ejection, isovolumetric relaxation

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As part of a blood drive on campus for the American Red Cross, you and your friends have just donated 500 ml of blood. You are now relaxing at the student lounge, waiting for A&P lab to begin. Unfortunately, even though you are thirsty, you haven't bothered to buy yourself a drink. Other than a little soreness of the skin and tissue around your median cubital vein, you feel fine. How has your 500 ml decrease in blood volume most likely affected your cardiac output, heart rate, and stroke volume?

decrease in cardiac output, decreased heart rate, decreased stroke volume

no change in cardiac output, decreased heart rate, increased stroke volume

increase in cardiac output, increased heart rate, increased stroke volume

no change in cardiac output, increased heart rate, decreased stroke volume

no change in cardiac output, increased heart rate, decreased stroke volume

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How would an increase in the sympathetic nervous system increase stroke volume?

increased end diastolic volume decreased end diastolic volume increased contractility increased end systolic volume

increased contractility

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How would a decrease in blood volume affect both stroke volume and cardiac output?

decreased stroke volume and decreased cardiac output

increased stroke volume and increased cardiac output

decreased stroke volume and no change in cardiac output

no change in stroke volume and decreased cardiac output

decreased stroke volume and no change in cardiac output

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Which of the following cardiovascular control factors contribute to changes in blood pressure?

body temperature force of cardiac contraction heart rate volume of blood in body blood vessel diameter

force of cardiac contraction heart rate blood vessel diameter

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Which of the following neurotransmitters will play a role in the regulation of blood pressure by creating a change in cardiovascular function?

serotonin glutamate adrenaline gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) acetylcholine noradrenaline

adrenaline acetylcholine noradrenaline

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SA node has what neurotransmitters and receptors?

acetylcholine, adrenaline, noradrenaline β1- receptors, muscarinic receptors

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Arteriolar smooth muscle has what neurotransmitters and receptors?

adrenaline, noradrenaline α- receptors

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Ventricular myocardium has what neurotransmitters and receptors?

adrenaline, noradrenaline β1- receptors

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For each of the following parameterphrases, indicate whether the parameter will increase or decrease in response to low blood pressure.

Force of contraction Firing of baroreceptors Peripheral resistance Heart rate Sympathetic output Parasympathetic output Cardiac output

Increase- Force of contraction, Peripheral resistance, Heart rate, Sympathetic output, Cardiac output

Decrease- Firing of baroreceptors, Parasympathetic output

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Increase blood vessel length increases blood pressure

True or false


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Which of the following would reflect the typical net hydrostatic pressure (HP) at the arterial end of the capillary?

1 mm Hg 12 mm Hg 34 mm Hg

34 mm Hg

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The net hydrostatic pressure (HP) is the hydrostatic pressure in the __________ minus hydrostatic pressure in the __________.

interstitial fluid; capillary

capillary; interstitial flui

capillary; interstitial fluid

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In the capillaries, hydrostatic pressure (HP) is exerted by __________.

proteins in the blood blood pressure

blood pressure

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Which of the following would cause vasodilation of arterioles?

increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system increased activity of the parasympathetic nervous system decreased activity of the sympathetic nervous system decreased activity of the parasympathetic nervous system

decreased activity of the sympathetic nervous system

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Stimulation of the adrenal medulla would result in which of the following?

a decrease in blood pressure an increase in heart rate and contractility a decrease in cardiac output vasodilation of arteries

an increase in heart rate and contractility

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A decrease in blood pressure at the arterial baroreceptors would result in which of the following?

vasodilation of arterioles a decrease in heart rate a decrease in cardiac output an increase in heart contractility

an increase in heart contractility

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Which of the following is the effect of the parasympathetic nervous system when blood pressure is too high?

decrease force of contraction of the heart induce relaxation of arteriolar smooth muscle reduce blood volume decrease heart rate

decrease heart rate

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