Necessary for the development of sperm.
Increases secretions from the oil and sweat glands (contributes to acne and body odor).
Contributes to aggressiveness and aggressive behavior.
Regulation of sex drive.
During days ______ the uterus contains low levels of female hormones, which cause menstruation. These female hormones are:
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
The low levels of female hormones are detected by the hypothalamus, which responds by releasing gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which acts on the anterior pituitary gland to release FSH and LH.
During days ______, FSH stimulates follicle development in the ovary to mature and get bigger.
The follicle then produces estrogen. The rising levels of estrogen cause the uterus lining to get thicker.
As estrogen levels rise, this causes what is known as a positive feedback loop.
As estrogen is released, this causes more GnRH to release, and therefore more LH is released.
Further heightened levels of estrogen will finally cause the hypothalamus to release a sudden “LH surge”, which causes ovulation to occur on day 14.
The following events occur during _______:
Once the corpus luteum forms, the luteal phase begins. The corpus luteum begins producing progesterone.
Progesterone makes the endometrium get thicker, which then causes mucus to be secreted from the mucus glands.
When the progesterone levels reach their highest level, negative feedback causes the release of less LH from the anterior pituitary gland.
Since the corpus luteum requires high levels of LH to maintain itself, the corpus luteum degenerates as LH levels drop.
Since the corpus luteum is what makes progesterone, it makes less and less progesterone as it degenerates.
Without high levels of progesterone, the endometrium disintegrates, which causes menstruation to occur on day 1.