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Actor/Observer Bias
A tendency to attribute one's own actions to external causes
Fundamental attribution error
a individual's tendency to attribute another's actions to their character or personality
Dispositional attribution
To assign blame on one's personality not external forces
Downward social comparison
When one compares them self
Attitude formation
How one forms beliefs
Belief perseverance
Holding on to a belief even when they have been proven wrong
Cognitive dissonance
When one's action goes against one's moral beliefs
Confirmation bias
Seeking information that agrees with your beliefs
The unjust treatment to someone they view as worse off
Upward social comparison
When someone compares themselves to someone they view as better off
Optimistic explanatory style
Using local, unstable, and external explanation for negative events
Pessimistic explanatory style
View setbacks as personal, permanent, and pervasive
External locus of control
Outside the forces guide one's life
Internal locus of control
One's own personality guides one's life
Mere-exposure effect
The more you see something the more you like it
Person perception
Point of view determines a story
Relative deprivation
View oneself as worse off than others
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Live out one's belief about one's life
Self-serving bias
See oneself as better than we are different categories of people, especially on the grounds of ethnicity, age, sex, or disability
Evaluation of other cultures by the standards of one's own
Implicit attitudes
Evaluation based on one's own values
In-group bias
preference to one's own group "us"
Out-group homogeneity bias
"them" judging the other group
Just-world phenomenon
good things happen to good people- bad things happen to bad people
unfair beliefs about another group or person
a good deed
Attentional variable
factors that affect a person's ability to focus and process information
Situational variable
factors in the environment that affect one's performance
Authority figure
a person whose real or apparent authority over others inspires or demands obedience and emulation
mental and physical exhaustion
Bystander effect
people are less likely to help others if other people are present
Central route to persuasion
main part of an argument- what they are saying
Peripheral route to persuasion
other tractors in an argument- looks, body language
society that operates as one group
doing what others are doing to fit in
doing things in a group that one would not do on their own, "mob" mental
Diffusion of responsibility
blaming someone else
awareness of one's self and the environment
part of your personality you are unaware of
Ego, id, superego
Ego- reality Id- immediate gratification Superego-ideal
banish from conscious awareness
refusing to believe
redirect aggression to a lower authority
giving one's own thoughts and feeling to another person
logical explanation to make one come out better
acting at a lower level of maturity
putting aggression into an acceptable career
enduring characteristics and behavior that compromise a person
Pleasure principle (Id)
immediate gratification
Reality principle (ego)
Morality principle (superego)
Door in the face approach
Yes to the big things then yes to the little things
Foot in the door approach
Yes to the little things then yes to the big things
Elaboration likelihood model
How humans process information differently and how the outcomes of this process changes
False consensus effect
mistaken belief that other agree with you
Group polarization
separation of groups based on belief
Group think
thinking that coincides with the group
Halo effect
positive impression is based on a single characteristic
doing things for individual recognition
Industrial/organizational (I/O) psychologists
psychology in the workforce
Informational social influence
people change their opinions based based on what they think is accurate facts
Normative social influence
people change their behavior to fit into a group
the presence of other ethnic groups
Negative affect
Not happy behavior
doing what is told
are between conscious and unconscious ex. sleep
Projection tests
personality tests that are tests for psychoanalytic
Psycho dynamic theory of personality
personality is driven by unconscious motives
Unconditional positive regard
not judging another person
Humanistic perspective of personality
live up to one's ultimate potential
Prosocial behavior
behavior that benefits society
Social debt
offenders owe society a debt for their actions
Social facilitation
performing better when others are watching
Social loafing
putting in less effort when working in a group
Social norms
behavior norms set by society
Social responsibility norm
societal norms set by doing what is right for others and society
Social reciprocity norm
you help someone then they help you
Social situation
circumstances where others interact
Social traps
short term actions lead to long term consenquances
false beliefs about a group
Super ordinate goals
most important goals
Boredom susceptibility
dislike repetition
inability to control impulses
Drive-reduction theory
reduce a drive
External eating cue
outside of biological need
hormone- regulate appetite
hormone- regulate body weight
full, not hungry
in brain controls bodily maintenance and pleasure
Pituitary gland
master glad regulate hunger
body in equilibrium
body needs/wants nourishment
natural reaction
Intrinsic motivation
do for the love
Extrinsic motivation
do for the reward
how you show emotion
Physiological response
body's response
Cognitive appraisal
how you think about emotions
Cognitive labeling
labeling emotions
Display rules
how one displays emotions based on societal rules