Royal Progress (RPs)
Usually happened in the summer months, it involved Elizabeth touring the country. The royal court travelled with Elizabeth during her progresses
What happen on Royal Progresses?
Elizabeth would stay at the homes of the wealthiest nobles.
Why was progresses considered an honour?
They would have the privilege to house, cook and entertain the queen
Why was progresses considered an hindrance?
They were a hindrance because progress was often expensive and could put those hosting in debt
What did a royal progress include?
The entire royal court, which was 1000 people and over 400 wagons filled with Elizabeth’s belongings
Benefits of a royal progress to Elizabeth
To save money - When Elizabeth became queen, the crown was £300,000 in debt from previous wars. The RPs, the nobility and gentry covered the costs of entertainment, food, and housing for her and her court, helping her save money
Propaganda - Progresses allowed Elizabeth to be seen by her people, helping her build relationships and gain their loyalty
To prevent rebellions - Elizabeth sometimes went on progresses to help prevent rebellions. Visiting certain areas or noble households served as a reminder of their loyalty to the queen
Escape the heat of London - London summers were hot and smelly, so going on progresses allowed Elizabeth and her courtiers to enjoy a cooler climate and better health