contain carbon and hydrogen (sometimes oxygen)
ALWAYS covalent bonds
form large/complex molecules
make up & made by living things
main nutrients of life: carbohydrates, lipids (fats), nucleic acids, and proteins
do not contain carbon & hydrogenTOGETHER
ionic or covalent
not large/complex
4 valence electrons = 4 covalent bonds
limitless sizes and arrangements of organic molecules (especially when carbon bonds to itself)
A measure of energy content in food
carbs & proteins have 4 calories per gram
lipids have 9 calories per gram
3500 calories to gain 1 pound or burn 3500 calories to lose 1 pound
contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen ONLY
monomer = monosaccharide
2H: 1O
immediate energy goes into bloodstream, comes from simple sugars (monosaccharides and disaccharides)
stored energy (long chains of glucose), comes from starches (polysaccharides):
humans = glycogen (animal starch); stored in liver and muscle
plants = starch/amylose (vegetables, grains, pasta, potato, bread, rice)
cellulose: structural polysaccharide, found in plant cell walls and gives plants a boxy, rigid structure, not digestible (bread, cereal, veggies) = fiber helps in digestion, lowers bad cholesterol, regulate blood sugar levels
contain carbon, hydrogen, and very little oxygen
do not dissolve in water they are nonpolar molecules
contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen (sometimes sulfur)
each amino acid has 4 groups surrounding a central carbon
R group/variable side chain: gives the amino acid its chemical properties
one or more polypeptide chains folded into a highly specific 3D shape
unique 3D shape determined by order of amino acids
make up our entire structure and physical traits but also allow all metabolic functions to occur in all cells
at least 50 amino acids
a specific shape/confirmation determined by structures
too hot can permanently denature a protein
too cold can slow down function protein, but is usually reversible
primary sequence is not affected by denaturing
peptide bonds don't break
start and speed up chemical reactions
not used up in reaction
recycled and used over and over again
each reaction requires a different enzyme
allows coordination of an organism's activity
insulin regulates sugar in bloodstream
receptors built into membrane of all cells which detect signaling molecules released by other cells (neurotransmitters, hormones)
contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus
blueprints for proteins
universal genetic code for all living things (all physically traits and metabolic functions)
codes for sequence of amino acids (proteins)
EVERYTHING (even prokaryotes) have DNA