not or particle of inheritance
Phenotype - Trait expressed by gene
Genotype - collection of genes that code for phenotype
Rough Colony (R)
Smooth Colony (S)
Class of Viruses that infect bacteria
Requires bacterial host for replication
DNA Genome
Protein Capsid
Phosphorous of DNA
The sulfur of Amino Acids - Cysteine and methionine
Traced the transfer of those elements to the infected bacteria
Hydrolysis of Phosphor anhydride bond provide energy
Creates favorable reaction - high energy → Low energy
Double helix with Bases pointing inward
Complementary base-pairing between purine and pyrimidine explain Chargaff’s rule
One strand runs 5’ to 3’
Other runs 3’ to 5’
Major groove - 22 A wide - primary site of sequence specific binding of protein
Minor groove - 12 A wide - primary non-specific binding of proteins
Pull loop through until it reaches a specific sequence
Matches Specific DNA Sequences
Chromosome loop-forming clamp proteins
Positions nucleosomes
Condenses and decondense
Requires ATP
Double helix
Beads on a string - DNA wraps around Histone 1.7 times 147bp creating nucleosome
Chromatin fibers are made with Histone HI
Chromatin fiber loops with CTFC - pull loop through until it reaches a specific sequence
Folded loops are fully condensed at meta-phase of cell cycle