terms marked w/ asterisk* = important stuff, terms w/o asterisk = ppl/stuff you should look over for DBQs or LEQs or general review
movement emerged during late 1800s; advocated increased gov’t intervention & monopoly regulation
response to problems associated w/ urban & industrial US (ex: poverty, alcoholism)
late 19th to early 20th cent; investigative journalists specialized in exposing corruption, scandal
helped build support for progressive causes thru sensationalist appeal
Walter Rauschenbusch
Progressive who urged Christians to embrace teachings of Jesus & fulfill ethical obligation by working among poor ppl in cities
Ida Tarbell
Progressive muckraker who wrote abt ruthless biz practices of Standard Oil
Lincoln Steffens
Progressive muckraker who exposed corruption & influence political machines had over cities
Ida B. Wells
writer who argued against lynching of Black ppl
Hull House*
1889 settlement house established by Jane Addams + Ellen Starr
provided recreational, social activities & educational classes for working class women & their children
inspired creation of other settlement houses in cities
National Association of Colored Women (NACW)
1896 organization that sponsored daycares, work & home training programs
tried lifting poor Black ppl to standards of middle-class womanhood
promote interests of Black ppl
Women’s Trade Union League
1903 organization founded by working class women dedicated to higher wages, 8 hr work day, improved working conditions
idea that women were “innately” weaker than men –> “protective legislation” for women
Muller v. Oregon
1908 SCOTUS ruling upholding Oregon law establishing 10 hr work day for women
shows impact of Progressive labor reform efforts re: women
Sheppard-Towner Act*
1921 law that provided federal funding for maternity & child care; allowed nurses to offer maternal & infant health care info to mothers
Julia Lathrop / Children’s Bureau*
1912 organization founded by Julia Lathrop that collected sociological data & pushed for publicly funded social welfare measures
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
feminist against the idea that women were suited for domesticity, stating women’s reliance on men = unnatural & emphasized need for female economic independence
National American Women Suffrage Association*
1890 national org; contributed to ratification of 19th Amend in 1920 (women’s right to vote)
Alice Paul / National Women's Party*
1916 party founded by Alice Paul advocating for Equal Rights Amend. to provide full legal equality
19th Amendment*
1920 ratification of constitutional amendment granting women right to vote
Booker T. Washington + Tuskegee Institute*
1881 educational institute for southern Black ppl by Booker Washington; focused on teaching industrious habits & practical job skills
W.E.B. DuBois
argued for Black ppl having liberal arts education & equal voting rights so they’d be respected
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)*
1909 org founded by Du Bois, Wells, Addams, etc. to fight for racial equality
focused on combating racism thru court cases challenging racial discrimination
Guinn v. United States
1915 SCOTUS ruling striking down grandfather clause that discriminated against Black voters
essays exposed boarding schools & their practices to forcibly assimilate Native Americans
Frances Willard + Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)*
1874 org that campaigned ban on sale & consumption of alcohol due to need to protect the home & supported broad social reforms like women’s suffrage
alcohol considered as = domestic violence, loss of family finances
Anti-Saloon League*
1893 dominant force in prohibition movement after death of WTCU’s founder
grew out out of evangelical Protestantism & appealed to rural Southerners
18th Amendment*
1919 ratification of constitutional amendment banning production of sale & production of alcohol
Volstead Act
1920 law defining alcoholic drinks if it contained more than a certain percentage of alcohol
Mann Act (White Slave Act)*
1910 act banned transportation of women across state lines for immoral purposes
used to enforce racial segregation & standards of moral behavior that confined women to traditional social norms
Margaret Sanger + birth control
asserted contraceptives would save mothers’ lives & avoid unsafe abortions & reduce chances of immigrant/minority children reproducing “unfit” children
Angel Island*
1910 immigration station in San Francisco
detention center where Chinese immigrants imprisoned for long amounts of time whilst trying to prove eligibility for entry
Triangle Shirtwaist fire*
1911 industrial fire @ Triangle Shirtwaist factory in NYC
deaths of more than 100 workers (mainly young women) caused by insufficient fire safety measures
commission governments*
replaced old form of city councils w/ elected commissioners who ran it like a biz
Robert La Follette
Wisconsin governor who enacted direct party primaries, law forbidding direct corporate contributions to political parties, graduated income tax
less political machine power
17th Amendment*
1913 ratification of constitutional amendment requiring direct election of senators instead of chosen by state legislators
conservationism vs. preservationism
efficient & sustainable use of resources; balanced demand for natural resources & calls to preserve nature
preserve beauty of environment & o leave resources alone
Hetch Hetchy Valley → Hetch Hetchy Dam
controversy between conservationist Gifford Pinchot and naturalist John Muir after San Francisco asked gov’t for construction of dam & reservoir there
Pinchot supported dam WHILE Muir opposed dam
construction failed to consider Natives’ opinions
Square Deal*
Theodore Roosevelt’s plan to provide economic & political stability by guaranteeing rights of working class & protecting business interests
reflected his goals of regulation of corporations, consumer protection & conservation of natural resources.
“good” trusts vs. “bad” trusts”*
Theodore Roosevelt’s differentiation between trusts
“good” trusts: acted responsibly
“bad” trusts: abused power (ex: railroad companies’ price discrimination towards smaller shippers)
Elkins Act*
1903 act outlawing railroad rebates (discounts); designed to protect smaller businesses & shippers who paid higher rates
Upton Sinclair + The Jungle*
1906 novel by muckraker Upton Sinclair portraying poor working & living conditions in Chicago & unsanitary practices in unregulated meat industry
outraged public into demanding for gov’t regulation for food safety
Meat Inspection Act*
1906 law mandating federal inspections of meat, established standards for hygiene in meat factories
Pure Food and Drug Act* (Wiley Act)
1906 law that prevented sale of harmful & mislabeled foods and drugs
Payne-Aldrich tariff
1909 law raising duties on imports
alienated many Progressives
Gifford-Ballinger controversy
Progressive Party a.k.a. “Bull Moose” Party
1912 political party formed by Theodore Roosevelt to help his candidacy for POTUS; split Republican vote, allowing Dem. Woodrow Wilson to win POTUS election
promoted income tax, 8 hr work day, labor unions & end of child labor
New Nationalism
Theodore Roosevelt’s agenda for 1912 presidential campaign
called for increased regulation of large corporations, more active role of POTUS, expansion for social justice by power of federal gov’t
New Freedom
Woodrow Wilson’s agenda for 1912 presidential campaign
limited gov’t, ideal of society of small businesses
Underwood Tariff
1913 reduction of import duties; benefitted Southern & Midwest farmers who sought lower prices on manufactured products subject to tariffs
16th Amendment*
1913 ratification of constitutional amendment providing legal basis of income tax after SCOTUS prev. ruled it unconstitutional
Clayton Antitrust Act
1914 act strengthened Sherman Antitrust Act by banning certain corporation tactics (ex: price discrimination) & protecting lanbor unions from prosecution
designed to encourage economic competition
Federal Reserve System*
1913 establishment of regional banks lending $$ at “discount rate” to member banks
Federal Trade Commission*
1914 agency having power to investigate corporate activities & outlaw unfair practices
Adamson Act*
1916 act establishing 8 hr work day & overtime for workers in private industry
Keating-Owen Act*
1916 act banning interstate sale of goods made by children
later overturned
Workmen’s Compensation Act*
1916 act guaranteeing rights of federal employees to get financial compensation or take legal action in case of injury
Josiah Strong + Our Country
1885 book by minister Josiah Strong asserting that white Northern European ppl were superior & US = responsible for spreading Christian blessings worldwide
“White Man’s Burden”*
1899 poem by English writer Rudyard Kipling asserting U.S. has a moral duty of imperialism and “civilizing” non-Western countries
Alfred Thayer Mahan + The Influence of Sea Power upon History
argued women’s suffrage would destroy existing gender roles
extreme patriotic support of expansion & use of military power; desired war as way to demonstrate US strength & prove masculinity
Cuba Libre
independence movement where Cuba wanted independence, social & racial equaltiy
yellow journalism*
sensationalist news by provoking emotion; reported Spanish atrocities which increased public support for intervention in Cuba
Teller Amendment*
amendment of 1898 declaration of war against Spain stating Cuba should be independent
asserted right to be involved w/ Cuban affairs until peace which allowed US to achieve imperial goals
Spanish-American War*
1898 war US declared against Spain to initially aid rebesl in Cuba; fought in Philippines & US victory
annexation of Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico
control of Cuban affairs
Rough Riders
Theodore Roosevelt’s regiment of 1st US Volunteer Cavalry; boosted Roosevelt’s popularity & political career
Treaty of Paris
treaty effective 1899 btwn US & Spain ending Spanish-American War
guaranteed Cuban independence
cession of Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam to US
Platt Amendment*
1901 act of Congress limiting Cuban sovereignty;
prohibited signing foreign treaties w/o US consent & allowed US intervention in Cuba
Philippines-American War
1899 war that resulted US annexation of Philippines initiated w/o FIlipinos’ consent
Anti-Imperialist League*
1898 org to oppose annexation of Philippines
reasons included fear of increased competition in job market, racial inferiority
Panama Canal*
part of Theodore Roosevelt’s efforts to establish US strength
involved military backed US uprisings against Colombia in Panama
“big stick” diplomacy*
aggressive foreign diplomacy backed by threat of force
enabled by economic instability of Central American & Caribbean nations
Roosevelt Corollary
1904 modification to Monroe Doctrine; affirming right of US to intervene of Latin American & Caribbean countries
Boxer Rebellion
violent uprising in China against foreign influence
Open-Door policy*
1899 policy informing nations occupying China the US had right to equal trade access w/ China
dollar diplomacy*
Taft’s economic focus of foreign policy; control of foreign assets in hopes of expanding US influence in Latin America & Asia
Mexican Revolution*
1911 war for Spanish independence that threatened US economic interests (oil) in Mexico
led to Wilson’s deployment of Navy & occupation of Veracruz port
Women’s Peace Party*
1915 org that advocated for keeping US out of WWI
started by women reformers & suffragists
1915 sinkage of British passenger ship by German submarine torpedoes, killing dozens of Americans
increased US public support for military force usage
one of catalysts in US’s entry into WWI
Zimmermann telegram*
1917 secret telegram where Germany offered Mexico alliance if US joined WWI & promised Mexico to help reclaim lost lands in Mexican-American War (1848)
increased US public support for WWI
one of catalysts for US’s entry into WWI
Selective Service Act*
1917 law authorizing nationwide draft to support US military for WWI
Fourteen Points*
1918 core principles Wilson saw as basis of lasting peace after WWI
incl. open diplomacy, establishment of League of Nations, right to self-determination
Treaty of Versailles
1919 treaty ending WWI, creating League of Nations & imposing war guilt clause on Germany
US never ratified
Lodge reservations
modifications to Treaty of Versailles limiting US compliance w/ League of Nations & more power to US in its foreign policy
War Industries Board*
1917 created to supervise purchase of military supplies & prepare business to meet anticipated demand
more effective later when lucrative contracts were offered to businesses
National War Labor Board*
1918 agency to settle labor disputes
supported various labor reforms like 8 hr work day in exchange for no strike pledge
Food Administration*
1917 agency sought to increase military & civilian food supply thru voluntary conservation esp. thru publicity campaigns
Fuel Administration*
1917 agency managing use of gas & oil
encouraged fuel holidays, daylight savings
offered higher prices to coal companies
Railroad Administration
1917 agency controlled railroads, coordinated train schedule, regulated ticket prices, raising workers’ wages
Committee on Public Information
1917 gov’t org to create & promote pro-WWI propaganda & censor opposing voices
Espionage Act*
1917 law preventing antiwar activities incl. opposing military draft, banned mailing things advocating draft interference, intentional sabotage & spying
Sedition Act*
1918 law limited free speech by punishing people for expressing opinions considered as hostile to gov’t, flag, military
American Protective League*
1917 unofficial association employed people to spy on German residents suspected of disloyalty
many investigations fueled by gossip
Red Scare
late 1910s to 1920s fear of communist inspired radicalism in wake of Russian Revolution
led to Palmer raids on suspected radicals
Schenck v. United States
1919 SCOTUS ruling limiting free speech “creating clear danger” to society
upheld conviction under Espionage Act for mailing leaflets opposing draft
post-WWI labor strikes*
1919 series of widespread strikes by labor unions due to post-WWI inflation & resulting wage cuts
violence of few strikes led to increased fears of radicals
Palmer raids*
1919-1920 gov’t roundup of couple of thousand of suspected foreign radicals
reflected fears of foreign radicalism during 1st Red Scare
resulted in deportation of many immigrants
American Civil Liberties Union
1920 org to monitor gov’t violations of Bill of Rights created by group of Progressives, pacificists
indicative of investigations, deportations done by gov’t towards suspected radicals
Great Migration*
1917-1918 population shift of thousands of Blk ppl who left South to North & West to escape poverty, racism & for promise of wartime industrial jobs
1920s another population shift occurs
post-WWI race riots / Red Summer*
1919 race riots occurring in mainly cities
caused by demobilization of Blk & white military members and increased job competition btwn Blk & white laborers
American Plan*
1920s movement pursued by employers to discourage union membership
used VOLUNTARY business-sponsored worker welfare initiatives
Teapot Dome Scandal*
early 1920s oil & land scandal that highlighted close ties btwn business & gov’t post-WWI
basis of standardized mass production & mass consumption
standardization of products by machines, assembly lines, higher living wages (increased accessibility to consumer goods)
developed after WWI
post-WWI advertising industry
manufacturing companies increased $$ on advertising during 1920s
firstly emphasized personal feelings of consumer over price or quality