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What soil characteristics are influenced by parent material?
soil texture
Particle size
movement of water
translocation of soil particles
natural vegetation
formed by molten lava. Quartz, granite, feldspars
formed for deposition and cementation of weather material. Shale and sandstone
formed by change in other rock
List and discuss 5 forms of inorganic parent materials.
Residual-formed in place
Colluvial debris- from above
Alluvial stream deposits- made by water
Glacial till- transported by glaciers
Eolian- transported by wind
What are the 5 key roles of soils?
Medium for plant growth
Engineering medium
Recycling system
water supply
List the 16 elements essential for plant growth.
C,H,O2,N,P,K,Ca,Mg,S,Fe,Mn,Zn,Cu,B,Mo, and Cl
Be able to label a soil profile.
O horizon
A horizon
E horizon
R parent material
know the characteristics of each horizon layer.
O horizon- layers of decaying plant and animal matter. Found in undisturbed ecosystems and partially decomposed
A horizon- rich with organic matter, dark in color, where plant roots are found, important for maintaining soil fertility
E horizon- intensely weathered and leached, grayish brown in color, iron and organic matter and zone of eluviation
B horizon- zone of accumulation, highs in clays, iron, aluminum oxides, gypsum, or calcium carbonate
C horizon- least weathered, unconsolidated rock and outside the zone of biological activity
R horizon- parent material, consolidated rock with little evidence of weathering
List 4 major components of soil.
organic matter
What is an ideal soil? What is the ideal soil texture?
loam. Has a balance of sand, silt, and clay.
List 3 major particles of soil mineral matter.
sand, silt, and clay
How does climate affect the development of Organic Matter?
temperature and precipitation, which affect the activity of decomposing organisms, ultimately determining how much organic matter accumulates in a given environment
How does organic matter influence soil properties?
improving its structure, increasing water holding capacity, enhancing nutrient availability, boosting biological activity, and providing better aeration
How is soil water different from water?
soil water differs from water in a glass by: doesn’t flow and is a solution
Be able to track an essential element from an ion attached to a colloid surface to entering a root cell.
Be able to discuss the relationship of soil air to soil water.
Inversely related- meaning the pores are full of water there is less air into the pores and vice versa
List 5 and discuss factors that influence soil formation and how they are interrelated.
parent material
living organisms
List and be able to discuss the 2 types of weathering.
physical weathering (also called mechanical weathering), which breaks down rocks physically without altering their chemical composition, and chemical weathering, which involves the breakdown of rocks through chemical reactions, creating new substances.
What soil characteristics are influenced by parent material?
soil's texture, mineral composition, nutrient content, pH level, color, structure, and drainage
differentiate between floodplains, alluvial fans, delta deposits and marine sediment.
A floodplain is a flat area of land adjacent to a river where sediment is deposited during flooding
alluvial fan is a fan-shaped deposit of sediment formed at the base of a mountain or steep slope where a stream rapidly loses energy
a delta deposit is a landform formed at the mouth of a river where sediment builds up when the river meets a larger body of water,
marine sediment refers to any sediment deposited on the ocean floor, which can include material from land, organisms, and chemical precipitation
How does temperature affect chemical reactions?
as soil temperature rises, most chemical processes within the soil, like decomposition of organic matter and nutrient release, accelerate.
How do organisms affect the soil?
adding organic matter through decomposition
aerating the soil
breaking down nutrients
shaping soil structure and fertility
Know how the slope affects the profile of a soil.
influencing the amount of water runoff, leading to higher erosion rates on steeper slopes, resulting in thinner soil layers with less developed horizons, while gentler slopes tend to have deeper, more developed soil profiles due to increased water infiltration and less erosion
List and describe the 4 processes of soil formation.
Transformation- destructive and different compound in the soil
Translocation- clays translocate in the soil (movement of particles)
Additions- alluvium, polluvium (O.M., rainfall, acid rain)
Losses- depending upon topography of the land
Discuss the development of a soil from a young soil to an old soil.
undergoes weathering where the parent material breaks down, organic matter accumulates and more soil horizons begin to show resulting in a deeper soil profile with physical and chemical properties
Know how transition layers and subordinate distinctions are written when referring to a soil horizon.
How is soil classified?
based on its texture, which is determined by the relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay particles it contains
Know the classification system of soils.
Know the 12 soil orders and characteristics of each.
entisols- weakly developed soils
Andisols- found near volcanoes
Gelisols- found in cold temps and frozen conditions
4 Soil orders in Missouri
Mollisols- dark green
Ultisols- orange
Alfisols- light green
Vertisols- boot heel
How does surface area affect; water holding capacity, nutrient holding capacity, weathering, aggregation, microbial activity.
larger surface area increases water holding capacity
Know what influences soil color and what soil color tells us.
Soil color is influenced by the minerals, organic matter, water, and climate in which the soil is found. Soil color can indicate the soil's mineral content, age, and how well it drains
How do texture and structure influence water holding capacity?
The finer the texture of a soil the greater is the effective surface exposed by its particles
How do you improve soil structure?
Minimize tillage
till only when soil moisture is optimal
keep soils covered with mulch
incorporate crop residues and animal manures