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Marbury v Madison

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15 Terms


Marbury v Madison

established judicial review

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McCulloch v Maryland

Established national supremacy

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Schenck v United States

Free speech is not protected if it poses a “clear and present danger” to the nation.

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Brown v Board of Education

“Separate but equal” is inherently unequal

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Engel v Vitale

Used establishment clause of 1st Amendment; Government does not have the right to force citizens to say a prayer.

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Baker v Carr

Redistribution measures for legislative seats in Tennessee were being ignored

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Gideon v Wainwright

Every citizen has the right to be provided counsel.

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Tinker v Des Moines

Freedom of speech still applies at school unless it disrupts school activities

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New York Times v United States

Prior restraint is not justified if the publication would not endanger American forces.

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Wisconsin v Yoder

Free exercise clause; free exercise of religion is more important than required school attendance.

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Roe v Wade

A women’s right to abortion falls under the 14th Amendment Equal Protection clause.

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Shaw v Reno

Gerrymandering in North Carolina was unconstitutional.

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United States v Lopez

Gun regulation in school zones doesn’t fall under commerce regulation powers of Congress.

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McDonald v Chicago

The Fourteenth Amendment renders the right to bear arms for the purpose of self-defense applicable to the states.

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Citizens United v FEC

Corporate funding of independent political broadcasts can’t be restricted due to the First Amendment

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