How do science and religion convince people?
SCIENCE: research and data, encouragement from wider society to believe in it
RELIGION: set stories that are not subject to change (e.g. creation myths)
Religion is traditionally more rigid than science, what idea challenges this?
Liberal theology, religion as a force for change (such as SCLC)
Science is traditionally more flexible than religion, what idea challenges this?
Scientists can be stubborn or manipulate data for their own gain such as Andrew Wakefield with the MMR vaccine mercury scandal.
How do science and religion approach authority and belief consensus?
SCIENCE: peer reviewed evidence and community scrutiny to ensure that people are truthful and objective so that research is widely accepted
RELIGION: rigid authority structure, no questioning, ideas of divine revelations and prophecies that are subjective
How does Weber say religion and science can positively influence eachother?
One can legitimate the other. For example, modern capitalism needed scientific advancements AND calvinism to take root.