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P1PK system includes
P1, Pk, and NOR
Globoside blood group system includes
Globoside blood group collection includes
NOR is
A low prevalence antigen that results from a single nucleotide change in A2GALT
P group synthesis
Glycosyltransferase adds sugars to precursor substances
Enzyme responsible for encoding Pk synthesis
Globoside responsible for converting Pk to P
Precursor to P1 can be
Glycosylated to type 2H chains that carry ABH antigens
Common P phenotypes
P1 and P2
P1, Pk, or P can be found on what cells
Red and white
P antigen can be found on
Platelets, epithelial cells, and fibroblasts
P and Pk antigens have been found
In plasma as glycosphingolipids or in hydrated cysts as glycoproteins
P1 antigen characteristics
Takes up to 7 years to be expressed, strength depends on race, deteriorates quickly, and exists as glycosphingolipids in blood
Anti-P1 can be seen as
Naturally occurring IgM or unnaturally occurring in a P1 individual
Recommended test to confirm anti-p1
Anti-p1 reacts best at
4° (cold reactive saline agglutinin)
Do you need to cross match including P1?
No;rarely causes HTR, doesn’t cause HDFN
People with hydrated cyst disease may
Form potent anti-P1 if P1 is negative
Anti-PP1Pk characteristics
IgM and IgG, reacts over wide thermal range, can be separated, causes severe HTR and HDFN
What is anti-PP1Pk associated with and why
Increase incidence of miscarriage because fibroblasts have P antigen.
Alloantibodies are mainly found in
The plasma of Pk individuals
How does Allo-anti-p compare to anti-PP1Pk?
Similar activity but it doesn’t not react with auto control, p antigen, and Pk phenotype
IgG class anti-p has been associated
With early abortions
Auto anti-p is associated with
The cold reactive IgG autoantibody in patients with Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria (PCH)
The IgG autoantibody in PCH is described as
Biphasic hemolysin
Donate landsteiner test
In vitro ab binds to RBCs in cold. When warmed it binds complement and lyses the RBCs.
Donate landsteiner test for auto anti-p
Positive (only test is reacts to)
Donald lansteiner negative control
Tube kept on heat block so it does not hemolyze
Luke antibody
Found in pts w Hodgkin’s lymphoma. IgM not reported to cause transfusion reactions or HDFN
Luke antigen positive frequency
98% (14% weak rxn, 84% normal)
All individuals with p and Pk are Luke _
Anti-P1 in a P2 person can be caused by
Parasitic infections (bovine liver fluke, tapeworm)
P system is a receptor for
UTI: E. coli
Human Parvovirus
Pk antigen is a receptor for what toxins
Shiva toxins
Pk provides some protection against
HIV infection of mononuclear cells