Avoid waste of equipment, supplies, ideas, and energy
Reduce waits and delays for those who give and receive care
Provide care that is respectful of and responsive to individual preferences, needs, and values
patient -centered
Avoid underuse and overuse
Care quality does not vary based on personal characteristics such as race, gender, socioeconomic status
A measure of an organization’s capacity or systems, such as provider to patient ratio
The United States’ 10-year plan to guide national health promotion and disease prevention efforts
healthy people 2030
Life expectancy at birth is an example of this type of measure
population health measures
Limitations in activities of daily living is an example of this type of measure
Subjective health measures
The Triple Aim plus workforce well-being/safety and health equity
quintuple aim
This measure accounts for both the duration of time in a particular health state and the “desirability” of living in that health state
An economic evaluation method to compare alternatives, where costs are measured in dollars and outcomes are measured in QALYs
cost effective analysis
An economic evaluation method to compare alternatives where health outcomes are converted into dollar amounts and treatment costs are subtracted
cost benefit analysis
A market in which a buyer has power to lower the price
This health input has the greatest effect on determining health status
This type of measure describes what the organization does to maintain or improve patient health, such as the % of patients receiving the flu vaccine
This type of measure describes the impact of an intervention on patient health, such as the rate of hospital-acquired infections
A cause of death attributed to the decentralized and fragmented nature of the health care delivery system
preventable medical errors
This term describes measurement that is consistent when taken at different points in time or by different people
Many sellers, many buyers, homogenous products, no entry barriers
perfect competition
Physicians’ services
monopolistic competition
The only hospital providing inpatient services in a geographic area
The pharmaceutical industry
A geographic area with two facilities that offer MRIs
This type of law is made by judges in written opinions
common law
The type of negligence that results from a failure to act
Deliberately providing false information or misrepresenting information in order to gain a benefit
Improper conduct in the performance of professional duties, either intentionally or negligently
This ethical principle describes the duty of doing one’s best to care for one’s patients
Population health, experience of care, and per capita cost
The triple aim
height, wight, age
objective health measures
quality of care, pain
subjective health measures
very few buyers
The extent to which a measure actually measures the concept (accuracy)
The study of how people act within organizations
organizational behavior
Tendency to overestimate accuracy of our own judgments
overconfidence bais
Tendency to unconsciously and selectively notice information that confirms our existing beliefs
confirmation bias
Tendency to rely on the likelihood that information is true because it is easy to recall
availability heuristic
Tendency to favor things we are familiar with
familiarity heuristic
Tendency to underestimate the effect of situational factors and instead presume that personal factors cause behavior
fundamental attribution error
The ability to anticipate other team members’ needs and balance workloads
mutual support
type of law that includes contracts and torts
civil law
types of law that is made up of felonies and misdemeanors
criminal law
Action knowingly or deliberately causes harm to someone else
intentional torts
Performing the correct action incorrectly
•Performing an illegal action
failing to act
acting inconsistently with standard medical or business practices, whether intentionally or not
provider billing for services that were not provided or were not medically necessary
false claims
provider receiving compensation for referring patients to another physician
different EHR systems can’t always talk to each other