WHAP Mordern Era Vocab Test 2

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Young Turks/Committee of Union and Progress (CUP)

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Young Turks/Committee of Union and Progress (CUP)

Militant group within the Ottoman Empire that supported secular western-style reforms as well as a strong emphasis on Turkish nationalism; this group took power in a 1908 coup

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Millet system

Term for various ethnic/religious communities in the Ottoman Empire; these were given tolerance and limited autonomy

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Traditional Manchu long braided hairstyle that was imposed on ethnic Han Chinese men during the Qing Dynasty

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Extraterritoriality (extraterritorial rights)

Assertion of the rights of foreigners to continue following the customs of their home countries and disregard the laws and customs of the country they were currently operating in, as asserted by westerners in China

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Opium Wars

Series of conflicts between China and western powers (originally Britain, but later other European powers) that resulted in China being forced to open to free trade according to western terms.

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Taiping Rebellion

Massive internal rebellion staged in opposition to the Qing Dynasty in China from 1850-1864; this was ultimately unsuccessful in overthrowing the Qing government.

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Most Favored Nation (MFN) status

Clause in a commercial treaty where trade privileges obtained by one nation would be extended to others; this was applied in China to open free trade to more western nations in China.

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Large industrial firms established in Japan following rapid industrialization

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Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC)

British financial corporation that conducted operations in China following the Opium Wars in the late 19th century

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Treaty of Kanagawa

1854 unequal treaty signed between Japan and the United States opening Japan to free trade and more foreign interaction.

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Muhammad Ali

Egyptian leader who initiated several state-led reforms in the early 19th century, including constructing some cotton textile factories and updating the military

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spheres of influence

Areas where foreign imperial powers controlled trade and investment, as demonstrated in China following the Opium Wars

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Open Door Policy

1899 US foreign policy declaration that China be opened up to free trade with merchants of all nations, including the United States

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Self-Strengthening Movement

Reform effort by the Qing government of China in the 1860s and 1870s to maintain traditional society while cautiously borrowing from the West

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Boxer Rebellion

Anti-foreign, Anti-Qing Dynasty resistance movement from 1899-1900 that was ultimately crushed by a multinational coalition of industrial powers seeking to continue spreading their influence in China

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Japanese Empire

East Asian maritime empire that grew to include Korea and Taiwan by 1910

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Meiji Restoration

Series of far-reaching reforms enacted in Japan following the overthrow of the Tokugawa Shogunate, this put the emperor in a position of power, rapidly industrialized Japan, and spread much western influence in Japan

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Suez Canal

Man-made waterway completed in 1869 that connected the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea, greatly reducing shipping and travel times.

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Tanzimat Reforms

Meaning "reorganization," this was a broad series of reforms in the Ottoman Empire in the mid-19th century that attempted to industrialize and modernize the empire in the face of western pressures

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1870s-1880s movement in the Ottoman Empire that sought to minimize ethnic, religious and linguistic differences and emphasize loyalty to the Ottoman state

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Young Ottomans

Largely western-educated group of intellectuals in the Ottoman Empire that supported modernization and western-inspired reforms

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Islamic Modernism

The belief, supported by the Young Ottomans in the Ottoman Empire, that secular reforms were achievable within Islamic societies and should be pursued

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Chinese Exclusion Act

1882 US law prohibiting further US immigration from China

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Port of Buenos Aires

Port constructed with British capital and engineers to facilitate the exporting of commodities out of Argentina to Europe.

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British-Dutch joint transnational consumer goods company that conducted operations in West Africa and the Congo during the late 19th and early 20th centuries

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Unequal treaties

Term for treaties China and Japan were forced to sign by western imperial powers in the mid-19th century, opening them up to free trade and further foreign economic influence.

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Treaty of Nanjing

1842 treaty following the First Opium War where Britain claimed Hong Kong and opened up multiple Chinese ports to free trade

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Tupac Amaru II's Rebellion

Anti-Spanish resistance movement sparked in 1780 in Peru when a descendant of the last Inca emperor arrested and executed a Spanish administrator; this was unsuccessful in ending Spanish control at the time.

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Lola Rodriguez de Tio

Poet that sharply criticized Spanish rule and called for independence in Cuba and Puerto Rico through her writings.

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Monroe Doctrine

1823 US foreign policy statement that proclaimed the Western Hemisphere to be off limits to further European intervention.

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Roosevelt Corollary

1904 US foreign policy statement that asserted the right of the US to intervene in Latin American affairs to maintain regional stability, collect debts,and protect US interests

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Spanish-American War

1898 conflict between Spain and the United States; this war ended in American victory and gave the US many former Spanish colonies like the Philippines and Puerto Rico.

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Panama Canal

Man-made waterway completed in 1914 that linked the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific Ocean, greatly reducing shipping times between those bodies of water.

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Conservative creole generals that took power in many of Spain's former colonies after the Latin American wars for independence; they typically ruled harshly and suppressed reforms.

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anti-imperial resistance

Actions taken in opposition to imperialist policies, actions, institutions, and influence

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anticolonial movements

Movements among colonized peoples to oppose and challenge the power an imperial country has over its colonies.

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direct resistance

A refusal to act in accordance with the terms or expectations of an imperial power, or to submit to imperial authority.

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Cherokee Nation

Native American group that resisted actions by the United States government to forcibly remove them from their lands; despite resisting, they were still forced to leave their lands.

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White Australia Policy

Immigration law passed in Australia in 1901 that severely restricted immigration of non-European peoples into Australia.

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Ghost Dance Movement

Spiritual movement among indigenous societies on the Great Plains in the late 19th century featuring songs and dances performed with the intention of driving white settlers from their homelands

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American Empire (United States of America)

Growing empire that rapidly expanded across North America to the Pacific and later annexed Hawaii, Alaska, and added some of Spain's former colonies after 1898.

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penal colonies

A colony used to exile prisoners and separate them from the general population by placing them in a remote location. Australia was originally used as one of these by the British before it became a settler colony.

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convict labor

Labor requirements issued to convict populations in penal colonies as a part of their sentence.

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the indigenous people of Australia

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the indigenous people of New Zealand

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Maori nationalism and the New Zealand Wars

Series of conflicts between the British and the indigenous people of New Zealand as they unified together in opposition to the British taking control of their lands.

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Boer Wars

Series of conflicts from 1900-1902 between the Dutch settlers in South Africa and the British, who were eventually victorious in colonizing South Africa.

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King Leopold II

Belgian king who obtained his own private African colony at the Berlin Conference; his ruthless approach to colonialism in the Congo resulted in the deaths of millions of Congolese as they were forced to harvest rubber.

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Maji Maji Rebellion

Resistance movement in German East Africa where Africans invoked spiritual beliefs to oppose the Germans, believing a spiritual mixture would protect them from enemy fire.

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Xhosa Cattle Killing Movement

Resistance movement in South Africa that invoked spiritualism by causing many Africans there to destroy their crops and slaughter their livestock, believing spirits would be unleashed to repel Europeans.

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Mahdist Wars

Resistance movement led by a Sudanese Islamic cleric against the Egyptians and the British; this failed to prevent the British from colonizing Sudan.

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indirect control (rule by proxy)

Approach to colonization where the imperial power relies on another group (a corporation or local leaders) to administer a colony in the country's name rather than directly send administrators from the home government.

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The process of gradually conforming to the norms of another culture; this was encouraged by many empires, especially the French, as a method of consolidating colonial populations.

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Individuals sent to convert other people to their own religious tradition; during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, these individuals were sent in large numbers to many colonies.

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direct control

Approach to colonization where the imperial country sends their own representatives to directly administer colonies on their behalf; in this approach, traditional political systems are not utilized.

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balance of power

Term that refers to the distribution of political and economic power in the world at a given time; this acknowledges that some states have more power and influence relative to others at a given time.

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Economic imperialism

Form of imperialism where one state seeks to control the terms of trade and exert its commercial power and influence over other territories.

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Sepoy Mutiny (Indian Mutiny and Rebellion)

Massive rebellion in India from 1857-1859 against the British; this began with Indian soldiers refusing to fight for the British, instead fighting them instead. This resulted in Britain directly controlling India.

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Philippine-American War

Conflict between 1898-1902 where Filipinos resisted continued colonization after the Spanish-American War, this time resisting American imperialism.

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Propaganda Movement

Resistance movement led by mostly western-educated Filipinos against Spanish imperial rule; they utilized print media to spread their messages encouraging more autonomy for the Philippines.

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Colonial perspective where ruling subjects was comparable to a parent-child relationship (the imperial power was regarded as the "mother country")

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British Raj

Period of direct British rule of India from 1859 (following the end of the Sepoy Mutiny) to 1947 (when India got its independence).

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Samory Toure

Military chieftain who sought to extend his kingdom in West Africa against the French; he unsuccessfully resisted French colonization from 1883-1893.

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Yaa Asantewaa War

1900 rebellion against the British in West Africa; although this African queen inspired strong resistance among her people, it failed to oust the British.

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Sokoto Caliphate

Islamic reform movement among the Hausa peoples in West Africa that resulted in the formation of a new state, which unsuccessfully resisted British colonization in West Africa.

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Zulus (Zulu Nation)

Powerful indigenous state in southern Africa; this group led fierce resistance against the British, but ultimately were unsuccessful in driving them out of South Africa.

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Also known as "Afrikaners," these were descendants of the first Dutch to arrive in South Africa; these individuals farmed and settled in South Africa, and also clashed with the British there.

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Maxim Gun

The world's first machine gun, created by Hiram Maxim in 1884; this was used by invading European armies as they colonized Africa.

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Use of formal negotiations and correspondence when interacting with other states and state leaders rather than through military force.

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Otto Von Bismarck

Prussian leader who oversaw the process of German unification, becoming the first chancellor of newly unified Germany. This man also presided over the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885.

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Russian Empire

Land-based empire that continued its expansion further into Central Asia, across Siberia and into Alaska (until it was purchased by the US in 1867)

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transoceanic (maritime) empire

An empire, such as the various Western European empires, that includes territories distant from its homeland (geographically separated across large bodies of water).

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Italian Empire

New European maritime empire that incorporated Somaliland and eventually Libya, but failed to control Ethiopia.

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Berlin Conference

Diplomatic meeting among European imperial powers from 1884-1885 in which European delegates determined rules for dividing Africa between their empires.

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The Scramble for Africa

Term given to the rapid emphasis on gaining colonial possessions in Africa during the late 19th century following the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885. This resulted in Africa being almost entirely colonized by Europeans.

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Medical advancement used to treat malaria; this enabled Europeans to reside in tropical locations, facilitating imperialism in the 19th century.

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Social Darwinism

A justification given for imperialism in the 19th and early 20th centuries in which Europeans viewed themselves as the "fittest" of humanity, thus they saw imperial expansion as a natural outcome.

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German Empire

European maritime empire created in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that included some coastal colonies in Sub-Saharan Africa (Cameroon, Tanzania) and a few colonial possessions in the southern Pacific islands.

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White Man's Burden (Civilizing Mission)

The argument Europeans made to attempt to justify imperial efforts in the late 19th century that they had an obligation to spread Christianity and other aspects of their civilization abroad.

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Balkan nationalism

Term for widespread nationalist movements in southeastern Europe in the 19th century as many various ethnic groups sought to gain their own independent nation-states from the Ottoman Empire.

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scientific racism

the misapplication of scientific theories or procedures to attempt to support or validate racist attitudes or worldviews; in the late 19th century, Europeans attempted to demonstrate superiority at a biological level.

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Term that frequently became synonymous with industrialization and incorporating many aspects of industrial societies, such as factories and militaries with industrial weaponry.

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Typically used in a social, political, or cultural context to describe an emphasis on maintaining tradition rather than change.

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Typically used in a social, political, or cultural context to describe an openness toward or promotion of change

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Political idea that gained widespread acceptance in the 19th and 20th centuries, this holds that one's greatest loyalty lies with one's nation, and that the interests of the nation should be promoted

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People who promote the interests of their nation and seek to have their nations be viewed as strong and influential

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defensive modernization

Industrialization and modernization occurring not organically from within, but rather as a response to external pressures

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state-sponsored industrialization

Industrialization guided (led) by the central state rather than private investors

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Changes made in hopes of improving something.

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French Empire

Empire that encompassed much of Canada as well as the midwestern portion of North America; in the 19th century, this empire added Indochina and West African colonies.

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British East India Company

Joint-stock corporation focused on trading with India; this corporation led Britain's colonization of India until 1857.

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British Empire

Massive global maritime empire that included territories worldwide in the 19th and early 20th centuries, including India, many parts of Africa, Australia, and Canada.

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Civil Service Examination System

System that determined who was qualified to join the esteemed scholar gentry and carry out the work of China's bureaucracy.

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Scholar gentry (scholar bureaucrats)

Educated bureaucratic elites that worked for China's large bureaucracy during the Ming and Qing dynasties

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Philosophy supported by the Ming and Qing dynasties during the Early Modern Era.

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Joint-stock corporation

A new business entity used by the British, French, and Dutch beginning in the 1600s that spread risk and reward among investors.

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Castrated men who were close political advisers to the Chinese emperor

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Portuguese Empire

Empire that encompassed the sugar colony of Brazil as well as a trading post empire throughout the Indian Ocean trading basin.

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Zheng He

Chinese Muslim eunuch who led the massive Ming treasure fleet expeditions into the Indian Ocean basin, enhancing China's prestige abroad.

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Foreign policy adopted by the Ming Dynasty in 1433 as well as the later Qing Dynasty and Tokugawa Japan where interactions with outside societies are intentionally limited or closed entirely.

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