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Something of value one cannot get without joining an organization.
Public interest group/lobby
A political organization whose goals will principally benefit members.
Political cue
A signal telling a legislator what values are at stake in a vote, and how that issue fits into his or her own political views on a party agenda.
Assessments of a representative’s voting record on issues important to an interest group.
Interest group
Can represent specific or general interests, educate voters, conduct lobbying, draft legislation, mobilize membership, and exert influence within party coalitions.
Amicus curiae brief
A written document submitted as a 'friend of the court' providing additional information for justices.
A non-profit organization focused on issues affecting those above 50, lobbying for entitlement programs.
The act of attempting to lawfully influence the actions, policies, or decisions of public policymakers.
Free rider
Individuals who benefit from the work of an interest group without providing financial support.
Single-issue group
A political party or organization focused on lobbying on a specific policy area.
Ideological/social movements
A political party or organization focused on a particular political ideology or social movement agenda.
Protest movement
A political party or organization focused on addressing perceived injustice in public policies.
Professional organization
An interest or advocacy group consisting of members of a common career field.
Political Action Committees (PACs)
A political committee organized for raising and spending money to elect or defeat candidates.
A type of PAC that raises unlimited money from interest groups but cannot coordinate directly with candidates.
Sound bite
A radio or video clip of someone speaking.
Yellow journalism
A type of journalism that uses sensationalism to attract readers.
Trial balloon
Information leaked to assess public reaction to a possible policy.
Loaded language
Words that imply a value judgement used to persuade without a serious argument.
Selective attention
Paying attention only to news stories that align with one's own beliefs.
Adversarial press
The tendency of media to be suspicious of officials and reveal unflattering stories.
A public official's statement to a reporter given on condition of anonymity.
Agenda setting (media)
Influence of media on how citizens acquire political information.
Traditional news media
Includes print, radio, television, cable, satellite, and billboards.
Social media
Interactive technologies facilitating the creation and sharing of information.
Investigative journalism
Journalism that deeply investigates topics of interest, particularly with government scrutiny.
Horse race journalism
Media coverage that focuses more on popularity than qualifications.
Media bias
Bias in the selection and coverage of events and stories by journalists.
Consumer-driven media outlet
Media content influenced by the actions and needs of consumers.