Stress Unit

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What are the three personality types and what are their main atributes?

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Stress, defense mechanisms, and thing of the sort.

24 Terms


What are the three personality types and what are their main atributes?

  1. Type A: These individuals are often described as competitive, ambitious, and highly organized. They tend to be time-conscious, workaholics, and exhibit a sense of urgency. Type A personalities are often driven, goal-oriented, and may experience higher levels of stress.

  2. Type B: Type B individuals are generally more relaxed, laid-back, and less focused on time management. They are often described as easygoing, flexible, and creative. Type B personalities tend to prioritize work-life balance and may have a more relaxed approach to achieving their goals.

  3. Type C: Type C individuals are characterized by their introverted nature, attention to detail, and analytical thinking. They are often cautious, reserved, and prefer to follow rules and procedures. Type C personalities are typically good at problem-solving and tend to be more sensitive to criticism or negative feedback. It’s basically a nice in between of type A and B.

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Define stress.

A physiological and psychological response to external pressures or demands.

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Define distress.

A state of extreme physical or mental suffering, discomfort, or anguish. Distress often involves feelings of pain, sadness, anxiety, or helplessness.

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Define eustress.

positive or beneficial stress that motivates and energizes an individual.

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Define fatigue.

A state of extreme tiredness or exhaustion resulting from physical or mental exertion or illness.

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Define Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

A complex and debilitating medical condition characterized by persistent fatigue that is not relieved by rest and is accompanied by a range of other symptoms.

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Define Psychosomatic Response.

Physical symptoms or illnesses that are influenced or caused by psychological factors, such as stress, anxiety, or emotional distress.

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Define a defense mechanism.

Psychological strategies that individuals unconsciously use to cope with or protect themselves from anxiety, stress, or emotional conflicts.

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Why do we use defense mechanisms? Are they always healthy?

To help reduce or manage uncomfortable feelings. They can be healthy in short term, but usually aren’t healthy in the long term.

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When is stress considered harmful?

When it’s effecting our physical and/or mental health negatively.

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Define Repression and give an example.

When the stressor is subconsciously blocked out.

Answers vary for example.

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Define Rationalization and give an example.

individuals justify or explain their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors in a logical or socially acceptable manner, even if the true reasons are different. It involves creating plausible explanations to avoid facing uncomfortable truths.

Answers vary for example.

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Define Compensation and give an example.

The process of attempting to make up for perceived weaknesses or deficiencies in one area by emphasizing or excelling in another area. It involves redirecting one's efforts or abilities towards a different domain to compensate for feelings of failure.

Answers vary for example.

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Define Manipulation and give an example.

Influencing or controlling others through indirect or deceptive means. It is a psychological strategy used to achieve personal goals or gain an advantage over others.

Answers vary for example.

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Define Alienation/Isolation/Withdrawal and give an example.

Alienation refers to the feeling of being disconnected or separated from oneself, others, or the environment. Isolation involves deliberately distancing oneself from social interactions or relationships to avoid emotional pain or stress. Withdrawal refers to the act of retreating or removing oneself from a situation or environment to protect oneself from perceived threats or discomfort.

Answers vary for example.

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Define Daydream/Fantasy and give an example.

Daydreaming or fantasizing is a defense mechanism that involves escaping from reality by creating vivid mental images or scenarios.

Answers vary for example.

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Define Regression and give an example.

Reverting to an earlier stage of development in order to cope with anxiety or stress.

Answers vary for example.

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Define Projection and give an example.

Blaming someone else for your stress.

Answers vary for example.

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Define Displacement and give an example.

The act of transferring your feelings to another person or object.

Answers vary for example.

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Define Substitution and give an example.

The unconscious thing in which a unattainable or unreasonable goal is replaced by a more reasonable or attainable goal.

Answers vary for example.

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Define Rejection/Denial and give an example.

The act of denying a feeling or situation exists.

Answers vary for example.

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Define Identification/Idealization and give an example.

When someone, to a varying degree, makes themselves like someone else; they identify with another person.Basically, to take on traits of someone less stressful.

Answers vary for example.

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Define Sublimation and give an example.

To do anything that makes you feel good.

Answers vary for example.

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Define Selective Forgetting and give an example.

This minimizes threat by preventing unconscious thoughts from becoming conscious.

Answers vary for example.

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