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‘Carved out his passage’
carved = verb, like a butcher
shows how EASY it is for his to kill
repetition emphasises:
Macb is under the witches’ influence- they have POWER over him
metaphor = how obsessed he is with his ambition
used through scene
reveals obsessions with predictions + ambition to be king
reveals SECRETIVE MACB, begins to be DECEPTIVE
influenced by Witches
'our duties are to your throne’ —> ‘let not light see my black and deep desires’
Macb’s language is RESPECTFUL and FORMAL —> irony, reveals his deceptiveness —> CONTRASTS his later language
plosive alliteration = powerful desire to kill D, suggests the violence he’s willing to use
“too full o’ the milk of human kindness”
METAPHOR: ‘milk’ = femanine image linked w motherhood
she thinks he’s not strong enough to fulfill ambition
HE IS WEAK —> ironic as war hero
links with “how tender ‘tis to love the babe that milks me… dash’d the brains out, had I so sworn”
“how tender ‘tis to love the babe that milks me… dash’d the brains out, had I so sworn”
CONTRAST - motherly image w her BRUTALITY and POWER
plosives alliteration —> SHOCKING+VIOLENT image to MANIPULATE Macb into killing D
contrasts idea of weak women at the time
links w “too full o’ the milk of kindness” and “unsex me here”
‘stuck in my throat’
shows Macb’s FEAR OF DAMNATION bc he’s unable to say amen —> fears he has lost God’s blessing
repetition = his growing paranoia
‘stuck’ = suffering/physical pain this causes him
he is suffocated by his fear of god
‘sleep no more’
repetition - emphasises HIS CONSCIENCE HAUNTS him - reflects Macb’s PARANOIA and GUILT —> his guilt PARALYSES him from taking action.
‘sleep’ = peace if mind + clear conscience —> he has LOST THIS —> the murder has traumatised him
“Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand”
he OBSESSES abt the blood on his hands
BLOOD = HIS GUILT —> feels he will never be free of guilt —> TORMENTED by guilt
aware he’s DISRUPTED THE NATURAL ORDER —> the ocean has been corrupted by the murder of D
link to christianity - water is used to cleanse sin, Macb is unable to clean his hands → he’s beyond salvation, no hope of redemption
“the earth was feverous and did shake”
image of CHAOS link w D’s murder—>he has OVERTURNED THE NATURAL ORDER
imagery of sickness = metaphor for how his actions CORRUPT NATURE
consequences of defying God —> links w Jesus’ death in the Bible when the earth shook —> both were servants of God
“O, full of scorpions is my mind”
scorpions = metaphor = feels he has been poisoned/infected by GUILT and FEAR
emphasises how he has NO PEACE OF MIND
CONTRAST in animal images, from lion/eagle at the start (nobility, bravery) to scorpions (evil thoughts and poisonous ambition)
‘fair is foul and foul is fair’
Witches getting ready to meet Macbeth
oxymoron foreshadows the theme of good and evil in the play
Macbeth falls from his noble good graces as ‘Brave Macbeth’ down to the ‘Dead Butcher’.
This all happened because of the manipulative powers of the witches.
This subtle foreshadowing of the events could present the witches as omniscient and cunning
This is a paradoxical phrase