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What did Ginzburg write about
biometrics, anthropometry, eugenics
What did Steyerl write about
image spam
What did Nake write about
surface and subface, digital images
What did Foucault write about
discipline and punishment, the panopticon, surveillance
What did Luhmann write about
future presents and present future, futurization and defuturization
What did Forster write about
The Machine Stops, defuturization
Why are biometric technologies good
track health
tells us abt ourselves
Why are biometric technologies bad
tracks people to control them
people reduced to data
can target certain groups
where did study of fingerprints originate
Divinatory practices in China, Japan, Bengal, used to ornament letters and read the supernatural
How was fingerprinting colonized?
used to identify Bengalis because they “all looked the same”, made into technology in the west
What is eugenics?
pseudoscience, connects racial traits to biometric data
What is anthropometry?
Data only, ex. driver’s license, facial recognition software
What is Nake’s two parts of an algorithmic image
surface and subface
What is the surface
output, image that we see
what is the subface
code that creates the image
why does Nake not like the term digital image?
“digital'“ is the subface, but “image” is the surface
what does nake prefer to call digital image?
algorithmic image
why does participation trump representation in the age of digital images?
digital images don’t mean anything, information is only a number and have no qualities or sense
what do texts by nake and steyerl have in common? (3)
talk about how media technologies participate in truth and social relations
have an ironic thought style on “truth” and “representation”
short texts
what is power technology
system used to control and monitor behavior of people in a society
how is the panopticon a power technology? (4)
subjects do not know when they are being watched
treated like its always there
power is automated
power belongs to the structure
how did power work in europe before the french revolution?
absolutism, held by one or very few people
how did power work in europe after the french revolution?
the system holds the power
foucault’s notion of power?
power not bad or good, not moral
exists always and everywhere
why is it bad to rely on AI to explain theoretical concepts?
ideas are recycled, theoretical concepts are subjective and based on personal opinion, AI is only the popular opinion
Where do political dreams originate according to Foucault?
in response to political crises (pandemic, war, famine, catastrophe)
Why was the future not a big topic before the french revolution?
everyone had predetermined role
why did future become a big topic after the French revolution?
social mobility became possible, future is open and undetermined
How are social relations and technology intertwined in E.M. Forster’s story The Machine Stops? (2)
all social experience through technology
no individual/direct experience
what are 2 strategies of defuturization according to Luhmann?
presentification and institutionalization
what is presentification (luhmann)?
focusing on the present
what is institutionalization (luhmann)?
relying on social structures that make the future more predictable
what were the two diseases that led to political order in Foucault’s text?
the plague and leprosy